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Everything posted by Teff

  1. I use firepower so I can have my BR and AR at the same time and I always switch to my AR when I know it's about to be close range. Why would I use my BR when it's more effective to use a close range weapon? What do you want them to do about spraying the AR? It's always been like that. Nothing's changed about it except the reticle since halo started. It's not hard to kill someone with your BR or DMR if they're using an AR. Just throw a quick grenade to get their shields off. Basically you need to get better is what I'm saying. No offense though
  2. Hey everyone I'm posting this today to voice my opinion on how I feel about Halo 4's match making. First thing first. I love this game. Probably my favorite halo(as far as online) right under Halo 2. The game is gorgeous and I like how it's set up for the most part. I am a fan of now having a loadout. At first I was dredding it because I was worried the game was taking a more COD approach, and especially with sprint. I however was wrong and the loadouts are a good edition. Especially since it still gives you incentive to go hunt for the "good" weapons on the map, and sprint just works. It feels like a halo sprint. Another thing I'm very fond of are the specializations. I think that idea is genius and will make the grind to max level very enjoyable. More things would include spartan ops which are basic but fun, sort of like a mini campaign, and provide good portions of exp. It's nice when you need to take a break from killing noobs (or being killed) I'm not going to go on any further about the pros of the game because if you've played(chances are you have) then you already know what Im telling you. The real reason I'm writing this, and honestly it's the only reason I made a forum account is to discuss things that I dislike. It isn't much but I wanted to put it out there. 1. No more team snipers?! I was so excited when it was added and now a week later it's gone as if it was never around. I really hope you guys bring it back for good I don't see why you wouldn't just leave it since there is an apparent desire for it. 2. How come there are maps not in multiplayer circulation? In case anyone out there hasn't noticed there are 3 (good looking might I add) maps that are only available for custom and forge games. Erosion, Impact, Ravine. Why not put them in war games? Is there a valid reason? Ive played custom games on them and they would be blast to play online. 3. This my last issue, spartan ops and regular war games have been randomly lagging... Like a lot. I don't think it's just me either as a couple buddies I play with have been experiencing the same thing. Example, I was playing spartan ops yesterday and you couldn't even see the enemy covenant it was just floating guns that you had to melee. It was kind of funny to wack a floating storm rifle and hear an elite yell but more annoying than anything. This concludes my post. If you made it this far thank you for reading and if you have any answers to my questions please leave them it is much appreciated or if you want to yell at me and call me vulgar things that is also ok with me. 343 you guys made a great game and I will continue to play until the next halo. Thanks again
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