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Crispy 5

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. Ive got an idea! Next time you release a halo game 343 I'm going to pay you 45 dollars. you can only recieve about 3.50 of that a day and a month after I've purchased it I'll sloooooowly start to give you the rest. Maybe. Only if you use the money inside the first week I paid you and then I'll send a bank account number to your e-mail associated with your buisness. What a load of crap 343. I PAID 65 HARD EARNED DOLLARS FOR YOUR GAME! I have been a level 70 since last wensday night and can't progress until you get off you lazy butt and give me the rest of the game that I PAID for. The gameplay is solid and I love it. What a great game. I honestly play for the love of the game at this point becuase I have absolutely no faith in your ability to deliver at this point. Nowhere else in the world can you sell someone 75% of a product for full price and sloooooowly give them the rest. Also adding a disclaimer that you can only use a certain portion of that product that you PAID full price for per day. Give me the game I paid for you freaking cheapskates. You wanna compete with bungie?!?!?!?!? Dont make a game that I can break in a WEEK and tell me that more is coming. It's already bad enough that you make a whole game and then strip off portions of it INTENTIONALLY to cause me to spend more hard earned money on your so called "DLC". Give me what I paid for. I supply your paycheck for crying out loud. There is a huge difference between playing halo 2 for two whole YEARS and loving the game so much I wanted to do the same things in new environments, and what you do. Putting your hand in my pocket and taking as much as you can to sell me a game piece by piece. All I'm asking is that you give me my 60 dollars worth of a game. Plain and simple
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