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Jackal (2/19)



  1. Like many other people, I play on bumper jumper. I would like to use the jetpack for its vertical advantages, but bumper jumper's armour ability is the X button which of course preoccupies your left thumb, making it so you can't aim with the right stick. I would like to see another way to use the jet pack. I was thinking that it might work if 343 made it in to a sort of double jump kind of thing by making the jet pack activate after you're already in the air from jumping if you press the jump botton again and hold it down. i feel like this would be an easy fix to this issue. I also feel that 343 should bring back the trueskill ranking system. I know the true ranking system is going on in the back ground but I believe bringing it to the foreground would bring back the good old traditional halo multiplayer that everyone loves. Of course 343 can put their own spin on it so its no the "old fasioned way" but it would keep the joy of ranking up and the fear of ranking down. 343 has done many amazing things with the halo universe and i have no doubt they could bring back the true ranking system in a bigger and better way and fix all the bugs like deranking and stuff like that. Provide gamers with more custom game options. Examples: CTF: remove pistol when holding the flag and be able to drop and pick up the flag Flood: change flood loadouts haha duuuh Ball: make it so you cant throw the ball Regicide: random kings not based on points and make it so that you can hide who the king is (juggernaught options) Bring invasion back! Bring back territories! and give options to make it like the game type "WAR" in COD world at war Bring back Assualt! Bring back stock pile and head hunter!
  2. In custom game options, make it so you can get rid of the pistol adn be able to drop the flag
  3. Bring back the true ranking system!!! I know 343 can bring it back in a bigger and better way!!!
  4. Bring back forge world, guardian, the pit, narrows, construct, headlong, sanctuary, midship, sidewinder, warlock, hang em high, and all other amazingly popular maps
  5. I purchased the normal edition of halo 4 (reagretably) and of course the one time i decide not to purchase the legendary edition of a halo game, i lose the chance to keep leveling up. any way i am level 70 already. there was a trailer for the specializations that said "play before 11/20/2012 and unlock all 8 specializations." i've been playing the game everyday since its been out and still no sign of the new specializations. Does anyone know when 343 will be releasing the other 6 specializations. PLEASE HELP!!!
  6. I love the new battle rifle at least 10 times more than any of the other halo battle rifles, but i would like to see the return of the 4 shot
  7. I completely agree. I would like to see the return of the falcon with some halo 4 add ons such as 3 passenger seats inbetween the 2 gunners for transport purposes. (These passenger seats were in the campaign)
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