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    Guns, hunting, sports, cars, women, hiking, anything

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  1. ------ fix aim bot... It's getting obnoxious when it takes a thumb drive and 3 minutes... No other halo had this problem.. Ip only COD games...
  2. Hey Tomsnotpockets, in the books on reach the chief actually was the spartan that retrieved cortona.. For some reason bungee and 343 thought it would be better to change the story even though they didn't for halo 2 and 3. The books are amazing read the reach one and you'll understand the games much more. I wish they kept to the books the story in my opinion is much better --- 343 please fix the bugs and glitches... Aim not is the biggest if people can do it with a thumb drive it needs to be fixed. It's halo not COD. I've been with halo from the beginning and it is my favorite franchise. Just starting to get fed up with the cheating and b.s.
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