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master of sam

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Everything posted by master of sam

  1. your talking about the story? im talking about the online multiplayer. like machmaking and firefight. i aim for rank in competitive machmaking. i agree the storys of other halos are more fun. but what makes halo reach better im my oppion is the machmaking is more fun. using rumble pit free for all and the kill system not the unfair point system in halo 4.
  2. Check out world gaming masters. it's got skilled members that also are cool to talk to. so you don't need to worry about bad gamers. check out the website and tell me what you think. http://worldgamingmasters.webstarts.com
  3. its gonna be great from all the videos ive wached and read. i had a form with the vid but i cant find it. can costumize vehicals and aircrafts. parts on planets so you can make a car from scrach halo2 ranking system one huge server 4 known ememys 4 known classes can adventure to any planet in our solor system playstation and xbox play together!!! this game is a new advancement for gaming. definatly worth geting.
  4. i prefer rumble pit then regicide. i like kills not points. i know there are kills but its not normal. i got 32 kills on halo4 and didnt win cuz the one guy got 10 kills from killn the regicide leader. not fare the spartains look weaird on 4. reach they look awsome im a big halo fan. ive won over $2,000 playing it. i get more fun out of reach. i will stick to bungie over 343. bungie is halo, they know what we want. 343 has not responded to anything the halo community wants.
  5. Slow and powerful My timing is everything Fe Fi Fo Fum I smell the blood of a Spartan Pillars of ash and smoke arise Silencing all of your cries I shall put the foot down Lay the law as it were Walk my street at your peril The curb commith for you i was thinking Mantis stomp. im amzed i was right... sorry to post late.
  6. i play reach everyday. anyone can add me. halo is my game i mainly play. mainly halo reach
  7. master of sam- teamsniper,rumblepit,teamslayer master Darkend-rumblepit,teamslayer Nat3 B- teamsniper ADD any of these guys. We play Reach almost every day.
  8. Hemmorage. only good one. i play snipers all the time. all the other maps are to small.
  9. the sniper is more accurate. now you got to be dead on for it to be a hit. it's good and bad. the granade dose more damage and the magnum is to
  10. World Gaming masters A clan for people with skill but also are cool to talk to. 5 main rank, 5th rank you get sponsord(free live, ms points,games,posters) master of sam is founder add him to sign up branchs are halo,gow,cod,destiny,bf3 all masters are supporting so no bullys here just fun. http://worldgamingmasters.webstarts.com
  11. i hate joining games when im on the loosing team. happends 5/6 times.
  12. my gamertag is master of sam. im looking for halo reach gamers to play games with. i am perfect at reach so add me if you got some skill or need help with anything in reach
  13. im leader of halo branch. so if anyone wants help or a good teamate in halo im here to help. halo is my most playd game. i have all halos. my gamertag is master of sam
  14. http://worldgamingmasters.webstarts.com
  15. use a mongoose as a wall to hide when sniping. ( a mobal wall.) crouching helps aim and wont show you on radar. when having a rocket, aim ahead of person runing.(takes time to travel) easyer way to get kills, throw granade then shoot. never reload when shooting a person, switch to secondary gun soon as you run out of ammo.
  16. achievements go up to 5 but im sure there will be more
  17. try redownloading it. happend to my friend 2
  18. i bought the limited edition halo4 console but i didnt get no specalization code. apparently it dosent come with it. i spent 350 on it. im level 70, been that rank for 8 days now and its not fare that i cant rank up but others can. i love halo. 343 should at least still give me credits for the games i complete like bungie did in halo for when they had the rank gap at lt. colonel.
  19. master of sam


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    world gaming masters images from all games.. enjoy
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