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Everything posted by moo10032

  1. I am a hardcore halo fan, I got halo one on xbox 1's launch. Watched every single trailer for every one of the next games, and went to every midnight release. Played them all hundreds of times. Even read several books (planning to read them all). I bought Halo 4, but waited to play it until I re-played every single halo game again in a row in order of release to build up to it. I started 4 and the beginning was amazing, graphics are indeed the best of the halo's. Then I got deeper into the campaign and it begins to turn to ****. For example: ****** SPIOLERS ****** 1. The very first level was awesome, the build up to seeing what were up against was intense, but then o look its the covenant again, rebels or something? I was expecting to start a NEW fight. Which reminds me it was never actually explained who this random rouge group of covenant even is... 2. All of the babysitting was on a completely different level from that of all the other halo's. "QUICK WE NEED TO PRESS THIS BUTTON TO TURN THE GUNS ON" happened several times... I think 3 or 4 maybe? First mission aboard the dawn you have to go outside and press a "missile launch" button. Then again on the Infinity you have to push a "Fire mac gun" button... then yet again on the space station you have to also press a "turn on the base defenses" button it got so old, exactly how worthless are the humans in this universe? The thousands of people on board the Infinity couldn't have already turned on the guns? The people inside the space station couldn't have already turned on the defenses? It's just stupid. Every task I had to do in the campaign felt like it should not have needed a Spartans help... which btw there were 4 NEWER Spartans already on board the infinity, FOUR. 3. The warthog, I'm so glad Forza got their ready to go modern (21st century) warthog to plug into their engine. What I mean is 343 decided (or was forced) to go back 600 years with the warthog design to coil spring suspension, tie rods, steering bars, drive shafts/universal joints... compared ALL the previous warthog design's of enclosed futuristic independent suspension arms with in-wheel motors... Yeah I really want to be stuck on an alien planet with some modern coil springs and universal joints to break on me... I literally freaked out when I came across the first warthog, not to mention the sound is just horrid, sounds like a lawnmower. Also comes strapped with 5 tanks of water on the back (for its hydrogen engine) so apparently this new version is a water-guzzler-er and all the old ones were not... 4. The infinity, largest ship in the human fleet was completely WORTHLESS. Probably thousands of people on board and yet it needed your help to fend off the attacks. It drops off that massive elephant mini mac gun truck for one mission but then you have to laser target the MASSIVE structures for it to even hit them... I guess they cant just point the gun at them? Then the mac gun gets taken out in a single shot from a covenant dropship... More baby sitting and worthless human help. Then after all the fail, the ship leaves you to fight for yourself... The mission where you fly that gunship pelican was just sad, the start of the mission the infinity is like a few hundred feet from the Didac sphere.... couldn't fire a shot at it? or HELP? I don't even understand what took to Didac so long to leave the planet anyways. Over the span of several missions he was just floating around, did I miss that explination? So many of the in-game events are just awful and nonsensical. 5. Very similar level designs when you fight against the Prometheans. It felt like a drag fighting the same 3 enemies again and again and again. Never felt this way in any other halo game. 6. The ending I still cant even understand what happened. Cortana comes into the physical world through that light bridge (SOMEHOW?) to hold the Didac for you to stick him with a grenade, then he just falls away, and you have to crawl like your critically injured in some mini game to the nuke, which you then detonate with your HAND and LIVE? ok did I miss the cliff hangar that makes me wonder what will happen in halo 5? I guess the Didac we just killed didn't die or something? HOW CREATIVE Maybe he floated off in space to re-build his army for round 2? Then the final cut scene showing this MASSIVE human base as far as you can see with all sorts of troops gearing up for combat, where the hell were they all during the game? Again the visuals in this are 10/10 and all the artists at 343 are INSANE but regardless I have to rate the campaign a 1/10... This game has left me feeling very disappointed in the future of the halo universe, and it is even worse to see so many positive reviews when it just was not good...
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