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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. My wargame loadout: Depending on the playlist, Frag or Plasma. Usually frag, but plasma grenades are useful for BTB, for all of those warthog and ghosts running around. Hologram Firepower Dexterity The two guns I use for firepower are the BR and the DMR. I use these two because BR is better for mid- to close-range, while the DMR is good for mid- to long-range. Spartan Ops loadout: Plasma grenades; good for sticking those elites, hunters and promethean knights. Regeneration Field Firepower Ammo Same two guns, mostly because it doesn't really matter what I have in the beginning, since I usually trade my guns out for whatever the enemies drop. (sidenote: I wish you could use your custom-skinned guns for set loadout playlists like SWAT and so forth.)
  2. Understood, my apologies. I'm tired of seeing campers thinking they have skill like this guy: ?? And you're probably the type of person that thinks camping in a corner with a shotgun and a claymore in front of the door-way is "keen awareness". lol By the way, try to use hyphens next time you want to put words together. Oh, and "situational" isn't an actual word. :-/ Back to the main point, I appreciate the tip on how to deal with camo-boltshot-campers. But, promethean vision isn't worth it if I have to replace hologram. Also, hologram is a good way to lure campers out of their corners for a second, if you know how to use it well.
  3. ?? Most of your kills were from the Saw and the scattershot...not to mention grenade throws...? What was supposed to be impressive about this? Oh...and you were able to get a snapshot by waiting for a guy to come out of a door way that only led him through a bridge...? Good job? lol And, the next time you say boltshot isn't cheap, try dealing with a whole team that uses it while also having camo. Yeah, what a fun game...
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