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Everything posted by Dingonole

  1. It looks like the majority of us who have lost our connection to the servers are international customers or Americans that have multiple gamer tags on a single live account. I am extremely disappointed with 343. They have shown a disdain and disregard for their customers that has never been seen by any other company in the history of online gaming. They are really just trash. It's been 5 days over here in Korea, no connection. No word from the company. No acknowledgement from the company. No explanation of what's wrong or when a fix is expected. 343 is the biggest peice of cow **** ever to crawl out if the electronic gaming industry. Please, I am hoping and preying that your company goes bankrupt soon. It would really make me happy.
  2. Servers were down on Sunday. It's now late Tuesday. There appears to be a complete epic failure by 343 here. Based on the fact that there has been mention about it from the company suggests either they don't know how to fix it or they don't know anything is wrong. Both possibilities reflect a humiliating lack of ability and professionalism. I hope your company is short lived, soon bankrupt and often spoken of in a negative manner. You have seen the last of my money...I guarantee it...
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