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general alma

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Everything posted by general alma

  1. I made an account just to rant about this topic, now i can understand 343 that you have taken on a heavy burden running the halo franchise i can see that your trying to be creative while still preserving traditional game play and all that, but seriously this is'nt like building a game its just a server down, apparently for people all over the world. I cant agree with them more 3 days of your server being down this is pathetic. In all my years playing the halo franchise i have never ran into something like this. The only thing not affected by this server crash is the campaign the least you could have done was had a little forsight and given spartan ops offline capabilities. I have been so disappointed with this failure i cant even play at all. Now some people will say relax all you screaming fans its just a video game, well i say what if The NFL just decided they were'nt going to have the super bowl. What if CNN decided to stop the news for a week. What if Netflix decided to take a break. Entertainment is a big deal in society and everyone needs a break from the real world. So get of your high horse and admit you like being entertained. Well now I'm rambling so back to the subject. 343 we are very disappointed right now make it up to us and we will forgive you.
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