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Pro P1ayer

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    Pro P1ayer

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  1. Everything that was mentioned is of minor consequence. Redstarrocket addressed each issue appropriately. The one and only issue that I see throughout forums and in conversation with nearly every player online is.....drumroll please: Ranking System. Without a doubt, Halo was more fun during the Halo 2 and 3 days simply because everyday you wanted to gather the best players you could find and win games. Then, you wanted everyone to see that you were able to earn a 50, because you are a bad mother f'er. This is what Halo 4 needs. A playlist that gives you a rank, visible to everyone, that is based on performance and winning games. Yes, the game is fun to play just because it is fun to play, but Halo was always seperated from other games because you would play to win. Please bring it back and I'll personally buy 5 more copies (just kidding), becuase then the game will be worth 300$ to me and I'll be more than happy to pay it. By the way, COD BO 2 is implementing this with their "League" playlist. This is a playlist which is based on WINS and LOSES. Better get with it, or even I may make the switch, because I also dominate at COD. This post will show up everywhere this topic is discussed.
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