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Everything posted by OldLeatherballz

  1. Am experiencing something similar. Completed campaign on solo legendary. Was connected to XBL the entire time. The level-based achievements unlocked as I played, i.e. Dawn through Midnight. Despite finishing the campaign, the campaign achievements haven't unlocked, e.g. wake up John, I need a hero, the legend of 117, and lone wolf legend. I started campaign on my own, paused partway through to replay a few missions on lower difficulty (co-op & solo), then resumed solo legendary. I've seen other posts from users with similar achievement problems and that fact pattern. I've not seen anyone with my particular problem though. Here's my waypoint page if you want to see the locked and unlocked achievements: https://app.halowaypoint.com/en-us/Halo4/OldLeatherballz/home/
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