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Everything posted by Mentat

  1. Have access to Waypoint site from XBox and laptop. From XBox my stats are not available; but can access other non-personal areas like Intel, etc. From laptop Halo 4 stats page won't load and the Halo 4 overview page states "this player hasn't played this game yet." Rest of Waypoint (like Reach stats) works OK. Did re-downloaded profile this morning with no changas. Will call it a day now and try again tomorrow. I hear you Kraiger! Wish had invested only $60! Spent twice that between game limited edition and the Halo 4 Collector's Edition of Prima's Official Game Guide; but that isn't helping me one bit. Pray 343 studios can figure out a fix soon and get all game owners full access to content we have paid for. For gamers having problems connecting to server. An admin at Waypoint forum requested following information on a thread there. Maybe will help 343 Industries if you reply to this thread posting your relevant data to same questions I answered. Hope we can all get back on main servers soon. A) Gamer Tag - Dune Mentat Location - Virginia Beach, VA USA C) Last time played? - Noon 11/26/2012 D) Were you using Mtn Dew XP? - No E) What rank are you? - SR39 F) Were you in a match or Idle? - Spartan Ops game online. G) Can you connect to anyone else? (been reports that some have connected back randomly.) - No. H) Have you tried cleaning your Cache or doing other things to try to solve the problem? - Cleared cache, reloaded content, re-booted modem and router, and re-loaded gamertag; problem remains.
  2. Thanks for response Peter. Just tried your idea with cache; but remain locked out of Halo 4 main server. Also, Halo Waypoint Stats for Halo 4 are still unavailable for my gamertag. Wondering how many other gamers are in the same frustrating situation I'm in. It's disappointing when I just simply want to get back into the game and progress my Spartan like my friends are... but can't.
  3. Not sure if your comment was adressed to server problem. Was able to change armor but that did not help to join main server or retrieve ranking online; thanks anyway.
  4. Pre-ordered and bought Halo 4 Limited Edition. Since noon 26NOV have not been able to play on main server (over 28 hours ago). Talked to both GameStop and XBox Live on phone and both have stated only 343 Industries can help me. Tried reloading content, re-booting game, re-booting modem and router, and re-booting gamertag with no effects. Halo Waypoint produces variable error codes at Halo 4 Stats page and general page states I've never played Halo 4 game. Gamertag still shows I'm SR39 both to me and friends; but if I try to play online it says SR1. How do I get back into the main server and continue playing Halo 4, completing challenges, and advancing? Have no idea how I got in; but Is there a way out of the "punishment box"? Please help!
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