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Everything posted by kraiger2

  1. no fat chicks its hard to find a solution to a problem when the game company that is having said problem wont even admit they are doing something to fix it, calling xbox live= some lady telling you servers are full at 10 Am eastern time lol. basically straight up lying. plus you cant even find a way to contact 343 studios. We are on 343's forum and we cant even get a simple yes we are trying to fix it. and when we access our data online it states we have never played halo 4 even though ive beaten it and im sr40
  2. A) Gamer tage- Kraiger2 Florida C) November 26th D ) No E ) SR40 F) Idle G) no, H) yea did everything. even got my old router out. WORST PART ABOUT the problem isnt that i cant play halo, its that i cant actually prove to people who want to play with me that i have a legitimate problem with matchmaking. yea it says i cant connect to them but it doesnt say whos fault it really is (343) and it also sucks that they wont even make an announcement that something is wrong and they are trying to fix it.
  3. its clearly something wrong with one of the servers that holds the data to our gamertags. we are the sad few who get screwed and since the majority of players can play with no problems 343 can try and keep it hush hush and act like nothing is happening. Servers full not letting us in???? thats utter bs from the xbox live rep because that would basically mean 343 is denying us the right to play the game while giving other players preferential treatment. Basically we could probably get a refund if we tried hard enough but sadly it would take a class action law suit.
  4. im right there with you mentat, been locked out of the main servers for 2 days now as well. Worst part about is that it seems like maybe 5% of the player base has the problem, while the other 90-95% are having no problems playing the game. if the problem was serverwide and nobody could play i bet it would be less than a day to fix, but since only a small number of us are screwed they can take their sweet time fixing it and we just have to hope we can play the game we bought for 60$ brand new even though a new company is taking over the franchise and we could honestly have waited to see if it really is halo or not. So far it was what i wanted it to be, but i honestly dont remember not being able to play with my friends when bungie was in charge.
  5. i agree with fourible. The game is fun to play and i have no complaints about the gameplay or anything really. Sadly i havent been able to play with my friends for 2 days straight and 343 wont even give us a clue what is wrong. i mean my friends are all playing but im stuck on the crap server with like 1k other people playing infinity slayer because all the other gametypes have like 30 people in them. DO you know how long it takes to get a big team battle match going with 30-40 people playing on the backup server.
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