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William Kinney

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Everything posted by William Kinney

  1. 1) Age (16+)21 2) Are you mature- Yes 3) Mic (NO kinect mic unless your gonna buy one soon)- Yes, Tritons. 4) Have you played in any leagues/tournaments (if so please tell me what leauges and or tournaments)- I went to a few double team tournaments in Halo 3. 5) Timezone (East,central,west)-East 6) How long can you play and what days do u play (Example like say weekends then be like anytime or give an range if your not on your not on u have a life)- I probably play a good 20-30 hours a week, probably more. 7) Gamertag (Whats your gamertag if we accept your app) KillgameX Contact ( u can put email/gamertag or whatever u want if u want a phone we can text you just say phone) Phone is good. 9) What other games do u play or do u play mostly halo 4 ( please type just halo 4 or halo 4 and others) Only Halo 4 10) Do u rage alot ( yes or no give a reason if yes - we all rage once in our life so just one) Not at all.
  2. I was on the back up server for 2 days... I attempted to play again around 11:30pm last night and I got into the main servers. Not sure if this is because not many people were playing at this time or If they fixed the problems, because all of my loadouts were reset back to default, So were my friends who did not have the back up server problem.
  3. I also have not been able to connect to the main servers for 48+ hours.. I believe I have a reason to complain... like said before there has been no update from 343 on this issue.. 343 is definitely lacking customer support.
  4. I also haven't been able to play on the main servers for 48 hours.... having no interest to play since I only get around 200 exp each game. I would be happy if 343 would release an ETA when the servers would be back up... mostly any other game developers would... Not happy with 343's customer support. Seems like they don't read the forums too often or are to lazy to reply. If there is no update on when this problem will be fixed by the end of the week, I will be considering on selling my H4 and buying Black Ops 2... even though I promised myself beforehand that I would not.
  5. I am a big FPS PC gamer.. and Auto aim does suck.... but it is necessary with a controller, try shooting your teammates it is much harder than shooting your enemies... I wish the 360 had keyboard and mouse support for all games.
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