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Quil Peterson

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. They should cuz theres alot of ppl calling Microsoft about it & there telling us to post on the waypoint forums... "https://forums.halowaypoint.com/yaf_postsm1871730_NOT-CONNECTING-TO-HALO-4-SERVERS.aspx#post1871730" if this is how 343 games are going to be, im not buying anymore halo games unless there made by bungie......
  2. iIts not my internet because its only happen with Halo 4 & halo waypoint.... All of my other games are working fine... It started at 9am when i was playing Spartan Ops EP 4 CH 1 -.- Bungie's servers was better then theses one xD There's five other people having the same problem all started around 9am through 11:30am yesterday. We've all posted on the Halo Waypoint Forum with no type of reply that there at least looking in to it... Halo needs to go back to being a Bungie game xD
  3. i got mine legit xD.. it wasnt hard to do at all
  4. :wallbash: Halo 4 wont let me play INFINITY or let me level up, my halo 4 started saying "THE HALO 4 SERVER IS NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME, PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER" but my friends can all play the game....... Why is that? Its been a day & a half now -.- FML
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