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  1. I was actually thinking the same thing. The game seems to go a little crazy after it says "Checking for downloadable content." I'm not sure if that's where they're having a problem or not but this is ridiculous. The only reason why I came on here is to see if they released any statement on the issue. Are they still on "Thanksgiving Vacation?" Battlefield 3 had a similar issue when it was first released. They had release day DLC Back To Karkland pack and it was so glitched. A lot of things didn't work and it took well over a month or two for them to release anything to fix the problem. The meantime they didn't even say anything about the game until about a week before they finally fixed it. (I'm talking about holding certain guns above your head on certain maps so you can't even use them. Spawning with certain weapons on certain maps made your system instantly freeze.) Seriously if developers keep slacking on their games they're going to lose customers. The most popular game played right now is League of Legends with 32 million different people playing it in the period of a month. Now I'm getting use to their amazing service and everyone else compared to them is falling on their face. As soon as a problem arrises they release a message instantly saying what the issue is, and what they're doing to fix it. After being treated so great by one developer it makes me wonder why others don't take care of their games like it's their baby. They would make more money and have more loyal customers :/ I WANT TO PLAY HALO and I was at 109 out of 117 wins for that stupid monthly challenge. While it says servers are down you can't even earn anything towards any challenges or commendations.
  2. Ok so since November 24th I haven't been able to play any games online. Now for my friends they can play Spartan Ops but I can't because it tells me the servers are down? When I go to Wargames it tells me that they have reverted to the default playlist and has everyone as rank numero uno. My friends have the full playlist available to them (meaning SWAT is up for them so not the default playlist). Obviously for some ridiculous reason I can't join up with my friends. I'm calling Microsoft tomorrow (since this is a Microsoft Studios game) and if this problem doesn't get resolved immediately then I'm just saying good riddens to my xbox. I've been through seven of the unreliable system in the past seven years. I'm still on my one and only Playstation 3 in that amount of time. Not to mention Planetside 2 is out now on the PC and new DLC is out for BF3. So to all the people that are blaming 343 Studios all I have to say is that you guys are idiots. 343 Studios has worked on every halo game ever made as a part of Bungie. If Bungies budget reached its maximum for employees then you would just get switched over to 343 studios employment but still carry on with your same position/role in creating the current Halo game. Know your facts before you critisize please. Saying 343 Studios doesn't know what they're doing just proves that you don't know what the hell you're even talking about. I will admit this new online system they're using for Halo 4 is ridiculously unreliable. A) People can lag switch once again (which was prevented in Halo 3 and Halo Reach). So congragulations on making the first Halo since Halo 2 where people can successfuly lag switch once more. Why is there no ranked playlists? Yes put in ranked playlists where you go from rank 1 to rank 50 like older Halo games, it was very fun. C) We need a forge world map. Ravine and Impact are the only two that are even considerable for forge. These maps severely limit what you can do unlike on Forge World on Halo Reach. D) Explain why this problem is happening to me and countless others. Why did you switch from the core online program of Halo 3 and Halo reach? Right now it seems like you guys just used a cheaper more unreliable alternative like most games are doing today. Sorry but us true gamers appreciate actually true dedicated servers. SOE (Sony Online Entertainment) use to have amazing dedicated servers for SOCOM Confrontation and Killzone 2 for example. The most successful online servers for a console to date, not to mention basically hack proof. Try cheating on SOCOM Confrontation and the game locks up for everyone using self preservation of its game code to prevent anyone from cheating. Client based online hosting is very frustrating for everyone. On Halo 2 we use to use a PC program that would access the game and FORCE HOST so we would always have host and therefore prevent us from running into people lag switching. If you were not using the Force Host option you could monitor connections and PING someone (kick them offline) if they did try Lag Switching or standbying. Please resolve this issue I just want to play some Halo. P.S. Great job on Dominion it's amazing.
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