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  1. I have had the same problem and called Microsoft about the issue and they told me that they don’t even have a number for support for 343 industries. I lost a SR48 3 days ago and have not been able to get back on Spartan ops or war games it keeps telling me that the server is not available and it has been like that for 3 days. All I have to say is if they can’t handle the responsibility that comes with HALO then give it back to Bungie, at least when we had problems they fixed it and didn’t ignore us. I spent $64 on this game and $200 more on Mountain Dew and Doritos to get my double XP points, then worked my butt off to get leveled up to a 48 and all my armor just for it to be ripped away from me and several others. I say either fix the f-ing problem and give us all back our equipment and levels or give us back all the money we wasted on a crappy version of what 343 Industries call HALO4, when all it was is a way to F die hard HALO fans out of money. I will be putting this and more all over every website i come accross that has a forum till they fix this and i will tell everyone I know not to buy it or take it back to GameStop, DiscReplay, Walmart, K-Mart, Best Buy, Amazon, Ebay, ect. Ect. Ect……. True Halo Fans unite and make them fix what they broke. :wallbash: :excl: FozenIceMan4000
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