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Everything posted by JONxJITSU

  1. Aint not body got time for that, id rather play. Its all you homie. I just had an idea for your boycott. But this may take a few steps. Step 1. Take the Halo 4 disc out of you Xbox and place in case. Step 2. Drive to your local video game store with game in hand. Step 3 Trade it in. There now you will no longer shed tears.
  2. wait...so you received your code via 343i not from Xbox live? Have you tried looking in your email inbox? Mine came from "[email protected]" Subject "Here is your gift from Xbox LIVE"
  3. I wish mongooses were able to shoot out oil slicks and had push button activated wings so i could fly away and take a journey in to the Halo universe.
  4. I think the rail gun is pretty weak. I'm thinking it was given a nerf recently. Last night two dudes were rolling up on me with a Warthog to do a drive by so i got some space and blasted them with the railgun didnt blow up...the hog came back for more and i blasted them again on their backside...but it didn't blow up and drove away with them probably laughing at me.
  5. Your challenge accepted. I'm shooting loads.
  6. everyone...or will mostly everyone who bought/played the basic edition got the codes e-mailed to them.
  7. Sorry but that made me lawl. That skinny trait is not being sexist, it mainly the truth. Females are generally smaller than men. So if you put a girl in large bulky male Spartan armour it will just look silly or make them look like a man. If 343 replaced the weapons for female Spartans with a frying pan...then that will be sexist.
  8. Good job mane! Now you could go outside for a bit....jus kiddin. GJ tho.
  9. Personally friendly fire doesn't bother me one bit. It's part of the game and I get use to it, plus you can use it in a strategic sense kamikaze son. Pertaining to the cap, it doesn't effect me that much, I have a job, hangout with friends and exercise. Maybe they capped XP to promote people to go outside and put the controller down. Maybe its just me.
  10. I don't think the cap is the issue, i think boosting is the issue.
  11. I do not understand why Limited Edition player are complaining about the Specialization Codes...before buying you should have known when you were getting early access to the full 8 classes...which means....everyone else will receive all the classes later, that what early access means. Pertaining to the multi player install with gamers with a 4GB console...give me a break, I don't even want to start. Whatever happened to playing a game and enjoying it, and it you don't, don't play trade it in or give it away.
  12. you joined the forums and is was your first post.... u can pick some up off of ebay for a couple bucks.
  13. Thats true the Mantis is pretty much wipes the floor. I just find the ghost get spawned too often, and im contently getting blasted on. Dont get me wrong, i use them to get to point A to B, and if I see someone I only run them down.
  14. I'm not to sure if this is just me, but I hate being blasted on by over powered covenant vehicles. I personally find them cheap as eff. I don't mind the USNC whips, if I'm on foot and see one riding up on me, I have a good chance to avoid or kill the driver. When a covey vehicle rolls up on me i might as well drop my controller and just wait to be killed, more often than not i get killed. This is the main reason why I avoid big team battle.
  15. My suggestion would be to buy the Razer Onza controller, you can twist the sticks to tighten them for stiffer response with better target tracking. Its like bumping down ur mouse dpi on pc games. I picked up my Onza Tournament edition for canadacomputers for $24
  16. My suggestion would be to put the game on mute and make your own sounds when you shoot your gun like this..."pew pew pew...bang bang bbbbrat". One you have done that for a while you will notice the Alien guns don't sound that corny after all.
  17. It's pretty much anal rape, but meh, as long as you are the one doing the raping your feelings are not getting hurt.
  18. Team snipers was alright, I just do not understand why games in the playlist are removed. Is there a reason behind that? Why not have all the playlists available to play?
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