Day three with no connection to servers. I wish they would make some sort of release about it. I understand that they are working on it, but at least let people know there is a problem.
A) Gamer Tag - RedIrishRaider
B )Location - Texas
C) Last time played? - 11/25/2012
D) Were you using Mtn Dew XP? - No
E) What rank are you? - SR34
F) Were you in a match or Idle? - Was playing Infinity on Legendary solo for the weekly challenge(I want credit for that btw, that's a long freakign level to do solo)
G) Can you connect to anyone else? No
H) Have you tried cleaning your Cache or doing other things to try to solve the problem? Deleted data cache several times and it has yet to work. Been following forums to try to find solutions but have had no luck.