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Cpt Picardo

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Profile Information

  • Interests
    Space, Planets, Stars, Ufos, Aliens, Star Trek and Halo 4.

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  • Gamertag
    Cpt picardo

Cpt Picardo's Achievements

Prophet of Regret

Prophet of Regret (11/19)



  1. Jag bajsar med mitt rövhål, vad gör du med ditt?
  2. Lag + having a bad day can explain this. Happens to me to even tho i usually is a great player.
  3. Wow! This is the best tip ever! I only play BTB an use every vehicle all the time. Never used wheelman tho since it doesn't do much but if you can survive a second stick thanks to explosives that changes everything. You're a genius man thanks a lot Cant wait to try this when i get home!
  4. Bought the 360 at launch in sweden gears of war was my first game for it. Remember playing split screen with my brother on old fat 28" tv. Never had the first xbox was a playstation guy before then had the first play station and play station 2. This next console generation i will most likely be going back to play station. Will miss Halo but other then that i won't miss anything about the xbox.
  5. No, PS4 is going to be to amazing to ignore. I have had four xbox 360 since release and the current slim is going to be my last. Microsoft can dance their gay ass kinnect party alone.
  6. I hope we dont get to keep the old GT so i can get the one i really want.
  7. I have to favorite games they were both on exile and btb since thats all i play. In the first i was dominating in the gauss hog for about half the game before it was destroyed. Had a good driver for once so that was fun. After that i got right into the banshee a did well with it to. I new i had many kills and wanted to beat my record of 44 kills. In the last second of the game i got the final kill! Ended 44-6 with alot of assists. My best game ever was also on Exile. Got the tank even tho i was on blue team and kept it all game. Got a inconcivable 36-0.
  8. I have few friends on my friends list and would like to have some Halo players that play custom games If you host custom games or are friend with someone that does please send me a friend request! My GT: Cpt Picardo If you post your GT in this topic i will add you instead. I usually play around 5h a day at all hours of the day depending on when I'm at work. See U!
  9. I used to love watching myself play forge countless hours!
  10. "Ive been a competetive halo player since 2004" HAHAHAHAHA
  11. Noo you killed them! I wanted to see them to.. Thanks alot.
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