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Cpt Picardo

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Everything posted by Cpt Picardo

  1. I really hope they add a playlist like that! Looked so much fun
  2. No let the Elites go the way of their ancestors the dinosaurs and just go extinct.
  3. MLG has always been a joke if you ask me. Sitting in front of a any kind o monitor will never be a sport! If it was in a real athlete lol
  4. I think CTF can be really fun if you have some friends to play it with. I don't have any real life friends that play Halo and finding some on live is.. Difficult to say the least. I only play BTB and SWAT since playing with randoms doesn't effect those game types to much. But since one of todays challenges was win two CTF matches i gave it a try and it was a truly horrible and frustrating experience! Played only one match i just could not take it anymore than that. My team was a bunch of retards betraying each other, destroying team vehicles or just driving around the base like morons. The other team appeared to be doing the same thing since i did not see much of them during the "match". The game was 0-0 for a long time since no one even tried capping a flag but to the end the other team got one. I then drove over to their side and managed to walk with the flag all the way back to our base. Just to be betrayed for the flag just outside the base.. At least the guy scored the flag after he betrayed me. The game ended a tie 1-1. Thats the last CTF game i will ever play even if there is a challange "Win one CTF for 100k XP" Its just not worth it.
  5. I see its pointless for me to keep try and explain things to you guys. English is not my first language maybe thats why i cant explain things in a way that you understand. I have not been trying to "troll" anyone in this thread. I just try to explain why i think the UNSC loadout weapons are better the the others like the covy carbine that the thread is about. I will say it one more time as simple as i can. The Covenant Carbine sucks because its a Covenant weapon. The DMR and BR are better because they are human weapons. Humans > Covenant. Thats why we slaughter them by the thousands in Champaign and Spartan Ops. If the Covenant was better than the humans it would not be a very fun game would it? Playing on the loosing side. If the rest of you in this thread fail to understand such a simple thing, well thats your problem.
  6. What? Light rifle better than all other weapons? Sure thats why everyone use it right? Or maybe its just you that knows of this secret? Shh.. don't tell the others or they will all use it...
  7. Yes some of the covenant weapons are good and some of the promethean weapons are also good like the binary and incinirator cannon. But they are just fun ordnance weapons! Its the loadout weapons im referring to. Those are the weapons that matter since you start with them. And isn't it a fact that the UNSC loadout weapons are better then the covenant/prometean ones? Thats because the humans are smarter then the others and because both 343 and us gamers like the humans better then the aliens. Don't you?
  8. No it was not meant as a joke i was merely stating the obvious..
  9. I want multiteam an in that playlist Rockethog race. That was so fun in Reach.
  10. Very well written topic! And I'm sure all your stats are true. But as a guy said in many words above, the carbine is not supposed to be as good as the DMR or even the BR. The human weapons is the best because humans are better then the elites. War games is spartans training program. The covenant weapons are there to use as part of the training but they aren't as good as the unsc weapons simply because they aren't as good! Thats why the spartans always win
  11. Sure afk players on your team stinks but don't you love them when they are on the other team? I found a group of three once and got som nice tripple kills from them.
  12. The BR sucks in swat to so i dont see the need remove it. In close quarters i prefer the magnum.
  13. I see alot of you hated armorlock. I really dont get why buts we are all diffrent i guess.
  14. Yes its a bit to fast in Halo 4 i agree. But its still better than how long it was in Reach.
  15. The name should be " Swollen"
  16. You have three betrayals. When you betray a fourth they get the option to boot you. Your betrayals carry over from three previous games. So one betrayal in three games in a row = option to boot. And no one ever forgives even if its an accident. Edit: What i said appers to not be true! I got booted today after just one betrayl so its apparently completley random..
  17. Halo 4 is the best game ever made. The only thing i dislike is the Crimsom map pack. Those maps stink!! All of them. Earlier today when i was playing there were 54 people playing crimsom that says it all.
  18. Why bother trying to earn xp when it so fast to rank up anyway? Im a 100 soon and i just played normal since launch.
  19. You want Elites, most people dont..
  20. Hello GT: Cpt Picardo I mostly play btb but im up for anything.
  21. Whaaat? Exile is by far the best and most fun map. Second best Ragnarok. Agree that solace is the worst of the small maps.
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