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Cpt Picardo

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Everything posted by Cpt Picardo

  1. If the roomers are true and the next xbox will be some kind of cheap toy with fokus on kinnect then no. I will have to give up me gaming hours to something else. I will be so disappointed if thats how it is i have been a xbox fan for many years. But if the next gen console cant do more than match a mid range pc of today there is no way im going to buy it.
  2. This all seems like it could be true but i really hope its not. From what i understand of this Microsoft is going to build some kind of cheap (300-400$) toy with fokus on the unbelievably stupid kinect. Sony will seemingly build something a little more for serious gamers but still focusing on price. I have always been a xbox fan i would like to continue to but if this is the way its going to be i might have to buy a gaming pc instead. Battle field 3 graphics on the next gen consoles is extremely disappointing if you ask me. No wonder pc gamers calls is console players "console peasants" if this is the way its going to be. I like consoles because of how uncomplicated they are and i prefer a controller to a mouse and keyboard. But i no peasant because of it. I would like to see Microsoft build a monster console able to compete with a 5.000$ rig. 4K resolution and mindblowingly good graphics. I dont give **** what it would cost i would buy it anyway.
  3. I have like 97% avoided me. Mostly for team killing back in Reach. Also 7% for trash talk even tho i never used a mic. I once got a picture in a message of some guy with a half hard co*k. He was on his back in bed spreading his *** cheeks apart showing his hairy *** hole. Did not report i laughed.
  4. I can imagine its bad for you us guys when you get in a game with a nob us host! But remember that 19/20 games have a us host and for non us players that sucks even worse..
  5. Play like a F A G thats how i got my only perfection. Dont really care but it was the challange i wanted.
  6. Griffball! Just charge the ball and jump smash them. I got a firststrike overkill extermination that way yesterday.
  7. I know its not a score but i got a one smash overkill extermination yesterday in my first griffball match. It was my first extermination hehe. Wierd thing is in Reach i also only got one extermination and it happend the exact same way so maybe its not uncommon. But i was cool its in my fileshare if you want to see it. Also in my fileshare is a cool overkill i gott with just a few rounds of a turret and some extremly lucky explosions. If you are on my fileshare watching the videos feel free to add me as a friend aswell. I play alot of Halo 4 ( 4-5 hours a day almost every day) but i have no freinds to play with and im starting to get sick of randoms. Im in europe at +1 Berlin time. GT: Cpt Picardo
  8. I enjoy spartan ops story and the cut scenes are cool. Actually looking forward to them each week. But the gameplay is extremely boring compared to firefight. I only do each mission once and they almost always feel like a grind. In fire fight however i spent ours sniping elites just for fun. It sucks you cant get dubble, tripple, overkill and that stuff in ops. Made me feel good when i got a four bullet killtac in firefight. Not that it was hard i just like hearing the guy say it.
  9. Battle damage would be cool! Like in reach when you could have a robot arm. I would like to have robot legs and head just the arms normal.
  10. Whaaat? No way they where humans! They are robots?
  11. I like the EOD because it looks like a stormtrooper helmet not despite it But in currently wearing the wetwork helmet it looks nice. And if not that the oceanic helmet is cool i think. I have the pre order one where its not black around the edge. But all in all i think the armor was cooler and more fun i Halo Reach. The beefy armor you got when hitting General was awsome and the last helmet was the coolest ever in Halo. Not that i got that one reaching inheritor was way to time consuming and Reach wasn't fun enough to be worth it.
  12. I personally dislike all of the ones i played so far. Way to small and crowded. I want a big open map like Hemorhage from Reach i loved that map.
  13. Best = Exile Worst = All crimsom maps.
  14. The "afk" players you see are probably holograms LOL
  15. Aha! I did not know that thanks man And i thought i saw a ghost haha.
  16. Zombies was fun, flood is not. Love the sounds the flood makes tho like somekind of wierd mating call
  17. Why dont you just go play some Halo 2 then? Or maybe some commodore 64 games? Those where the days right? The older the better. When will all old idiots realize that the games weren't better ten years ago. Its you who was younger and therefore enjoyed it more. Im 30 myself and started playing Halo with CE. Was Halo CE better than Halo 4? Off course not! Halo 2? In its day it was great but to compare it to Halo 4 is like comparing a 90's cellphone to a iPhone 5. Sure you loved your Nokia 5110 but compared to a iPhone 5 its a brick you can call with.
  18. Ragnarok is the end of the world in viking mythologi and valhalla is the place you go when you die. Trust me im Norwegian.
  19. Regicide stinks worse than a male prostituts *******.
  20. That would be cool but even better if you could make your own skin. I would make my DMR look like a p*nis and the shots would be white
  21. WHAT! Yes is in the lead? Why dont you just watch Jurrasic Park if you want to see dinos.
  22. No. In june maybe but not april trust me.
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