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Cpt Picardo

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Everything posted by Cpt Picardo

  1. I want Big Team Objective and And an All Mantis gametype.
  2. What about the sound the flood makes? Sounds like a horny horse.
  3. I never played Halo 2 and barley played Halo 3. From what i understand the ranking in those games was based on skill not time played. What i don't understand is how the game knew how good you were? Was is based on statistic? I usually do ok in games. Win/loss maybe 50/50 and 1:1 KD. Could be better kd but some games i just want to fool around and team kill an such. What would my rank be in this skill based 0-50 system?
  4. Agree! Thats was cool in Reach. I was a General grade 4 and that felt cool. Now im a SR54 and that means nothing to me.
  5. Happend to me to. My xbox was perma banned and Bill Gates came to my house and beat me up.
  6. I always start the after game killing even before its over. When the other team is one kill away from winning i betray me team and t-bag them to show how mutch they and i sucked.
  7. The AR should also be a five shot kill like the DMR its unfair to the 5 year olds otherwise.
  8. Must be that you suck so bad you dont deserve xp... No lol, maybe you hit the cap?
  9. All i want for christmas is a setting for "Local players" That is players from Norway or Europe at least!
  10. Why dont you just play H3 then you ***?
  11. Dual incineratorcannons would be cool or dual fuelrods
  12. Im disgusted by all the complaining on this forum. I love the game and the only problem i have is the lag that i have despite my awesome internet.
  13. I love Exile! Its my absolute favorite map. Only thing i don't like is being red team since they don't get a gauss and thats unfair. But you can always try and steal it from blue team
  14. What!? I love this game and i hope they do t change a thing. Except the lag, fix that. Other than that Halo 4 is nothing but epic. I cant understand all the complaining threads in this forum.. I think everyone that complains are ungrateful. 343 did an amazing job after Bungie quit. I must admit i did not like the MP the first hours i played it. The Champaign i fell in love with at first sight but multiplayer took a while to get used to. Now after around 50 hours i love it. Why? Because im good at it. I have never been better in any shooter even tho i tried.
  15. I think they are all very limited in use. I use thruster pack since i mostly play big team and it helps when i need to take cover fast. Wish the range was a bit more than the 2 feet you get but eh.
  16. My internet is 25/25 and Halo 4 is the only game thats lag so much i noticed it. Not all the time but 4/10 games. I live in the northern parts of norway i think thats why since host is always american.
  17. Haha yes its the best time i have had so far with this game. It was like an early Christmas present.
  18. I usually only play on weekdays since i work weekends. This weekend however i did not have any work and to my delight was able to play Halo until my eyes was sore. I was amazed by the difference in the other players skill compared to weekday mornings. I play big team for the most part and i usually do ok say 15-9 is about what i get. During almost all games yesterday night however i felt like a invincible super soldier. I just could not die. I was standing in the middle of the map on Ragnarok just spamming the DMR getting over kills whilst the enemies was running around like chicken without heads barly able to get a single shot on me. That game ended 39-1 even tho i was not camping the entire game i was mostly on their side of the hill. In another game on Exile i operated the gauss hog alone the entire game without dying. I moved it to go spots an just sniped them with it. 29-0 was the result of that. In both matches the other team had many (1) (2) snd even (3) players. This is why it was so easy off course but that never happens weekdays mist be a weekend privilege It was all great fun and i hope i get another weekend off soon.
  19. I wear all oceanic black with black visor cause im a space diver.
  20. I think you should get some kind of medal every time you spawn, a spawn well done medal. They have medals for everything else so why not?
  21. Thanks so much! You all made me feel really welcome Im going to like it here
  22. I hate cammo campers to! But its part of the game you just have to deal with it.. And if you cant beat them, join them
  23. If i ever got my hands on one i would replace the BR on my back with a shotgun but still keep the DMR in my hands.
  24. I have seen and used the bolt shot. In about 30 hours of match making play i know i have never seen or had a unsc shotgun. I didn't even know it was in mm untill i saw a post here of a guy who said he always got it in ordnance drops. I have never gotten it in ordnance. The alien shotgun i used a few times in regicide.
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