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Cpt Picardo

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Everything posted by Cpt Picardo

  1. I have no problem at all with the jip system since it makes match making faster. But its not true that you get full xp for joinin a game thats almost over. Yesterday i played a minute long game and i only got like 300 xp in the end.
  2. Yes, giant floating platform is a good start. Then add some holes and other stuff so you can fall down. Maybe some of those big death balls if they still have them. Never used forge in H4 but this weekend i will try and build that.
  3. Ragnarok would work and also Exile if you put a wall between red and blue spawn and only use blue side its big enough. You cold also have Mantis war inside in like a octagon shaped map but without Banshee. If anyone already has done a custom game like this please message me and let me in on that action!
  4. Yes exactly like rocket hog race in Reach were you could only leave the vehicle for a few seconds and moved real slow if you did. I was thinking one map could just be a empty kinda big room like the octagon but bigger.
  5. I think the Elites are really from earth. They are dinosaurs that left earth before the the disaster that wiped out the unintelligent dinos. Than they forgot as the millennia past and now they are enemies of humans even tho they really are ancestors of us.
  6. I was thinking you would be able to choose Mantis or Banshee in the start. But maybe you are right that it would get old fast. I would build a map like that and test it but i have never been any good at forge. Time to learn i guess
  7. It would be awsome to play both as dinos and aliens! They should make a Dino vs Prometheus playlist for that.
  8. I LOVE Halo 4 its the best Halo 4 by far if you ask me. I enjoyed Reach and Halo 3 to its the space stuff that makes the extra potato on the floor.
  9. Lol thats just stupid all armors are so ugly anyway so who cares?
  10. Hello from Norway! Im 30 yo, my name is Anders and i love Halo. Add Cpt Picardo if you want to team up with me. Im not the best player but i do ok have about 1:1 kd and play for fun.
  11. How long does it take for weapons to despawn? 15-20 seks?
  12. Im level 46 now and i have never gotten a shotgun in ordanence drop. I always get eighter saw or needler abd some other **** like speedboost. Sometimes i get snipe but thats extremly rare. Sorry for poor english.
  13. I became a member here just so i could answer this hehe. I would love to se Hemorhage from Reach i loved that map.
  14. Yeah that would be awsome! I would choose two plasmas since they are my favorite.
  15. What kid hmm.. Lets see, usless.
  16. Fun thing is i got the 4 killing spree one even tho i did not come near 4 sprees in one game. Same with the weekly 16 headshot challenge.
  17. I always try to kill someone after the game is over and then t bag them. Its just the right thing to do.
  18. I would love to see an all Mantis playlist in matchmaking. Btb on big maps like now but the hole team spawn in either Mantis or a Banshe your choice. Any one else think that would be fun?
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