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Everything posted by Last_Shot_Scott
Bolt Shot is overpowered, patch is needed
Last_Shot_Scott replied to BoltShotIsOverpowered's topic in Halo 4
You're a blob. This thread is stating the obvious. The gun is too strong. Stop acting like players can adapt to a one hit kill gun. You practically get a shotgun as your secondary. Remember the last game that made shotguns a secondary. MW2. How did that game turn out? -
Erm... Why hasn't the Boltshot been nerfed yet?
Last_Shot_Scott replied to MICKHEAD's topic in Halo 4
People like this guy ruin first person shooters. Basically this fanboy is saying he likes starting with a shotgun. The gun needs to be nerfed. My opinion is that the gun should be taken out of the game and whoever designed it should get a nice punch to the face. But if 343 is going to nerf it, then just make it red line you. Its too random of a gun to throw into a Halo game. This gun creates campy gameplay. Take it out. Move on to making skill based weapons, not scattershot one hit kills guns. -
Plain and simple 343 needs to understand that players want to have the option to choose between ranked and unranked.
What does that even mean? "343 has to do things by the numbers?" How about 343 just explains why they took Snipers out of matchmaking?
Post Your Halo 4 Matchmaking Issues Here
Last_Shot_Scott replied to Spectral Jester's topic in Halo 4
No doubles. No Team Snipers. No headshot medal for the snipe. No true skill ranking system. No map diversity (small - big). Not being able to move when I hit select mid game to see players in game. Not being able to search peoples maps. And last but not least, the promethean pistol. I hate 343 for making this gun. They are just giving bad players kills. These are all the issues 343 needs to address for me to keep investing my time into this game. -
No headshot medal for sniper. Not being able to move when I hit select mid game. No Team Snipers playlist. No true skill. No view of a players connections mid game.
Nothing else? I mean the promethean pistol? Snipers? Viewing players mid game? Anyways all feedback is appreciated, thanks.
Post Your Halo 4 Matchmaking Issues Here
Last_Shot_Scott replied to Spectral Jester's topic in Halo 4
SOLID. Keep up the posts and check out mine. -
Halo 4 Matchmaking Changes: These are my opinions on how to make matchmaking a better experience. Playlists: Let me start off by saying, I want Team Snipers back. 343 made an update, brought in Team Snipers for a week and then took it out. If 343 is fixing some of the issues with Snipers like a secondary snipe or map selection then I am for it. Can 343 merge some playlists together? How about 343 takes all objective gametypes (Oddball, Flag, Hill) and put them into 1 playlist. Instead of having 3 seperate playlist with 2,000 people in each playlist. This was something that was in almost every Halo game. An objective playlist. Did 343 really need to change this? Maps: Can we please have some SMALLER maps. The crimson map pack featured 3 BTB maps. They all have vehicles on them. I want a small symetrical map that creates balanced gameplay and actual BR battles at short to mid range. Every map feels huge because theyve spaced everything apart for sprint. Every map is huge. The only small map that launched with Halo 4 was Haven. Each playlist has what feels like 3 maps to choose from. I cant even choose NONE OF THE ABOVE anymore when I am voting for a map. You just get stuck with 3 choices and you cant change your vote once you have voted. Youre just simply locked in. Something they have never done in any Halo game. Add the maps that you launched the game with. There were I think about 3 additional maps that lauched with Halo 4. But 343 decided not to put them in ANY of these maps in the playlist. I do not understand why. The game already feels like there just arent enough diverse maps to choose from. I understand that there needs to be big maps for big team games, where people can drool on there controller and ride around in a different vehicle every time they spawn. Gameplay: Okay, so there are alot of major issues with the gameplay. I won't touch on all of them, just the ones that really dissapoint me. Medals: There seems to be a medal for just about everything in Halo 4. Im suprised you dont get a medal for just walking around. Oh wait, you do. You can get a distraction medal for doing absolutely nothing. But my dissapointment towards medals is the lack of a headshot medal for the snipe. I dont get why or how you would leave this out. If youre play testing this game, how do you leave it out? There is a medal for killing someone while they are reloading, but you couldnt add in a medal that has always been in Halo games? Bugs: Killcams are absolutely rediculous. Theyre not accurate and its not something new. Killcams are in COD, leave them there. How come when I hit select to view players mid game, I freeze in place? The game isnt smooth. Its jagged and buggy beyond belief. Youre not able to check peoples connections mid game. Why does 343 leave this stuff out? Its been in all the previous Halo games. I understand this is there game now and they wanted to make changes, but 343 is leaving out the little things that made Halo games feel smooth (besides Reach). Weapons: I like the fact that I can start with a BR or DMR or whatever I want every game now. That is a plus. But when 343 adds guns like the promethean pistol, I wonder if they actually play there games. They made a gun that is a quick 1 shot from close range and its your SECONDARY gun. I remember the last game that made seconday weapons better than primaries. It was COD MW2. We all know how that game turned out. Keep the gun (I guess) just nerf it down to its secondary status. There seems to be this notion that, the more guns you add to a FPS, the better it is. That is simply not true. I would rather have 3 solid guns to choose from then 20 pointless overpowered guns that dont belong in the game. I want a skill based game with skill based weapons. Not a game where someone can get 1 shot, sprint off, hide around a corner with promethean vision and 1 shot me with a secondary retard gun. I have made a previous post about these fixes and would love to see what competitive gamers think, along with the stupid ones who think the game is perfect. You'll notice that the people who think the matchmaking is great are the ones that wanted more Big Team maps with more vehicles. " I should've know that once the lead designer of Halo 4 said that they made it so ghosts could get through doorways that the game was going to be bad."
Finally some people who see the glaring issues with Halo 4. Bring it back, add a headshot medal and I will play the game twice as much. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/21632-a-list-of-fixes-for-halo-4/ check out my post for Halo 4 changes
What should be changed about Halo 4 (Please Read)
Last_Shot_Scott replied to robmoore679's topic in Halo 4
How can you absolutely love the matchmaking? Just because there are loadouts doesnt make the game good. IMO the only good thing about loadouts is that I dont have to start with an AR anymore (even though the AR is actually a good gun now). I can choose BR or DMR right from the beginning. Its people like you who fuel 343's overhaul of an already good franchise (except Reach). That are so many flaws with the matchmaking, its not even funny. This is my post about fixes Halo 4 needs: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/21632-a-list-of-fixes-for-halo-4/ -
Thats your small fix? What is wong with you? I could think of 100 other things that I want fixed before that.
Post Your Halo 4 Matchmaking Issues Here
Last_Shot_Scott replied to Spectral Jester's topic in Halo 4
There are a bunch of glaring problems with Halo 4's matchmaking. These are simply my opinions. Feel free to post your opinion about my opinion. Lets start with maps. There is a total of what... 8 maps in the game. There is no variety to them. You either get a massive vehicle based map made for big team or you get a semi large map made for 6v6. They made IMO, 1 map designed for 4v4 (Haven). I could go on and on about the maps and why I do not like them but my main issue with the maps in matchmaking is that you get 3 choices to vote from, thats it. None of the above didnt seem to cross 343's mind when building the game. Weapons. Im not going to argue loadouts because I accepted that when they first announced it. I like that I can start with a BR whenever I want. Definately a plus. But some guns don't belong in matchmaking. The promethean pistol? Whoever invted that gun should be banned from Halo forever. You made a starting gun that people can sit around a corner with and 1 shot you with. Dumb. The registration in the game seems janky. Killcams lag and there isnt the same sort of team shooting aspect there was in Halo 3, mainly because the maps are gigantic. Other problems: Why don't I get a medal for a sniper headshot? Why take that out? I get a medal for a no scope now, which is cool. But If I get a no scope head shot I'll never know. There isnt even a place in the after game report that even shows me my number of head shots.( IE; Headshots: 7 ), I guess I have to browse my medals now to know. 343 added all these other medals and stupid voice overs for things you're doing in the game but no SNIPER HEAD SHOT MEDAL? That just shows me that they were not gearing this game to be competitive because 343 employees clearly arent competitive. MORE MAPS. I can't even download people maps. No explanation for that. That was a big selling point for me to buy this game. The ability to see some of my favorite maps from past Halo's. Narrows, the Pit, Ivory Tower, Guardian, Lockout . I feel like 343 launched this game pre maturely. The game doesnt even allow you to vote for the map that you want to play because you only get 3 choices with no NONE OF THE ABOVE option. They changed so many things that didnt need to be changed. The matchmaking interface. The medals. The fact that in some playlists friendly fire is on and in others its off. That is stupid. Weapon mechanics, such as the sniper. When I get hit by another sniper I get this kick like somebody uppercutted me when I was firing. The game didn't need to be more like COD, it needed to be more like Halo. Halo 2 and 3 were the cream of the crop. The model of Halo 4 should have been the next page in that book. Not the next saga of a failed Halo:Reach Nexuiz COD hybrid.