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xEp1c N1T3MAR3x

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Everything posted by xEp1c N1T3MAR3x

  1. ALL the servers are back up And running but i have lost my specializations, i got the limited so i get all of them but now i only have wetwork and operator why is this?
  2. i have had the same problem since monday aswell and it appears others have had this aswell, so far we have had no solution to fixing this problem and its annoying me thing is my bro can play fine in the next room
  3. Oh my god this is annoying me, i completed the Legendary campaign on Monday which took me all day to complete i already had the commendations for dawn requiem and forerunner on legendary but as soon as i get back to the menu it tells me i don't have the mark vi Armour because commendations cannot be earned because the halo 4 servers are down and that i have been put on a back up server it also tells me that i am SR 1 and am restricted to certain game types all my mates are playing it perfectly even my brother in the next room is having no problems why me? 343 FIX THIS RIGHT NOW IT APPEARS EVERYBODY IS GETTING MAD AT THIS PROBLEM AND IT IS GOING UN RESOLVED WHERE IS GOOD O'L BUNGIE WHEN WE NEED EM, OH THAT'S RIGHT IT'S NOT THEIR RESPONSIBILITY ANYMORE ITS YOURS 343 SEE TO IT THAT ITS DONE :rant: this is such a great game and i love it, its just the fact we (community) have had no solution to fixing this problem
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