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Everything posted by Wumbowarrior

  1. I just joined, but I got banned. Goodbye! It was fun while it lasted! Hope you all have a merry time in the forum and playing Halo 4!
  2. Y'know I got a little overzealous with my words in the shoutbox and I got banned without a slap on the wrist or anything. Just wondering if it's a perma ban or not. Can anyone tell me? EDIT: Oooooh, that explains it. I was just trolling out of a little frustration. Wish I read this sooner.
  3. So I got banned from the shoutbox without a warning... Is it a perma ban or just temporary? Just curious
  4. I'm having the same issue. It's been like this since Monday. What's going on? I emptied my HDD cache, I restarted my router... I even moved to my mom's place to try her internet and it didn't solve the problem. I know the server isn't down because other people aren't having this problem. What's going on!?
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