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  1. Hello 343 Forums! Special Thanks to 343 Industries for creating another great chapter to the Halo universe. I defiantly enjoyed the Campaign and Spartan Ops. I loved the graphics and the story line, you guys came up with. Another thanks to making cortana sexy as hell! hoorahh on that!! As for the Multiplayer mode (Wargames,Infinity Slayer) I was highly disappointed, and I'll tell you why exactly. I've played all of the Halo games up til this point and loved Multiplayer. I'm actually very skilled in it to be honest. But recently playing Infinity Slayer, or any multiplayer mode, became really difficult. This is due to the lack of skill base guys perhaps lost during the process of creation. I realize instantly that AR's and Cloaking are a quick buzz kill to this game. Another thing is that I've always chose Halo over Call Of Duty for the fact that, Halo for one, does not condone camping, or at least you can't camp for long. Also becoming good at halo takes practice, skill, and good teammates. Multiplayer in halo 4 now doesn't consist of skill anymore. A man that never played halo before can be lucky enough to pick up 20+ kills, and the guy whose played Halo almost all his life can go -20 that game. Get what I mean? People can have bad games, and practice and prepare to make sure they don't make the same mistakes again next game. But this time around now matter how hard to try to correct those mistakes, a guy will always cloak and crouch that corner or AR the crap out of you as soon as you come within 10 feet of his radar. It occurs to me that If you guys (343 industries and the fans) leave Halo 4 multiplayer how it is, Halo would lose so much of it's fan base, and it would never be the same. I also would like to purpose an idea.. I think the MLG pro players should be able to help you guy's out with reconstructing the Halo Multiplayer. Who else would know more about the multiplayer aspect of the game then the people who plays Halo for a living, learn every bump and curve of the maps, and finds out how every weapon work to the smallest detail. I bet, even MLG pro players would probably still have problems playing a random multiplayer map. Hopefully, someone hears me out, and pushes this further so this would be taken into consideration. Please Save Halo Matchmaking!
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