Halo forge was one of the greatest ideas yet for video game creativty. But it can be improved even more, people that like forge dont want simplicity for the most part, they want to be able recreate their own world. I propose being able to do just that. A forge where you start out and its just a blank white world, first you chose your background. do want your world to be in space? how about underwater, or on an open valley, a grand canyon, anything you can imagine. then develop your landscape with a new tool, one that you can edit the landscape with; for example select a shape then the amount of area, then pull or push the area to create a hill or a valley, and add lots of other unique things to it. If they added this tool it would be a huge improvement to forge.
Add more sceanery! give us tons of options, everything! let us create what ever we want to. Please let us put down AI's. More vehicles, more guns! More more more!!!
please comment and add on more ideas.