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Everything posted by rush0024
The logic has been thoroughly explained and discussed over and over again by me and others in this thread and it should be very clear at this point. This thread has had a good run but there's really nothing left to talk about. Maybe I will see you all around when Halo 5 comes out. And that's a very big maybe.
What he said
Round and round in circles we go. One word can sum up Halo 4 and what this thread is all about. CASUAL. This game is made to suit the casual gamer, just like in CoD. Everything about skill that Flesh and Irish is saying is 100 percent spot on. In Halo 2, if you did not put in the time to get better, and/or you did not have a good team... you were going to lose. Not only lose but get destroyed. This turned off a lot of casual gamers to the point them complaining or quitting. This is why the changes were made. To appeal more to the casual gamer, because thats the market and it results in more $$$. It was a buisness decision.That's reality and if you can't see that than your blind.
A big reason why Halo was so good was because it was NOT like the current FPS games. It had nothing in common with CoD. Conforming to modern day FPS games is a bad thing in my opinion. And no CoD did not invent anything. I don't know why this keeps getting brought back up. But CoD is the most successful, so games that are similar will be judged and compared to it automatically. If you don't want to be compared to it then be original. Oh wait Halo was already original, but then sold out. So lets go around in circles some more maybe after we repeat all of this hundred more times some people may start to understand it.
Nicely said. That deserves a GIF.
Amen to that. And just to clairfy I was originally a Halo guy, not CoD. Halo used to be my favorite game to play. I was in high school and college during Halo CE and Halo 2. Those were the days. I didn't start playing CoD a lot until after Halo Reach came out. I played Reach for about a month and turned it in and started playing CoD. Before Reach came out I was as big of a Halo fan as there could be. I had posters, I went to tournaments including MLG, and I stayed up every night lost many hours of sleep because of Halo. So to go from that to where I am now is really sad. That is a direct result of the idiots making the decisions to change Halo into something it is not. Halo is better than that and it is better than CoD, or at least it was. And also my statement on the people who keep insisting that Halo has not copied and that stuff like the oridinace drops are not like the care packages and so on. It's not that they directly copied. No the ordinances are somewhat different than care packages and how and when you get them. It's the STYLE of play that has changed and been copied. There not going to have a chopper come flying in over Haven and drop a little box for you. But it's the same idea. Same style of play. Getting random weapon/abiilty drops, no fighting for weapons on the map, everyone running around with different weapons and different special abilities. It's really not that hard to understand.
If that's true then why are so many "fans" unhappy and why has the population declined faster than any other Halo game? I will answer this for you since you probably didn't take the time to read over all the posts in this thread. Answer: Because the main formula that made the first Halo games so great and so competitve has been changed or are no longer there. CoD has had a major influence on the Halo series. Why? Because CoD is the best selling video FPS game of all time. So in order to compete with that, 343 felt that they needed to change aspects of the game in order to appeal to the modern gamer who usually plays CoD. Why? Because it is ALL about money. And since CoD is the king, everything is going to be compared to it. That's just the way it is not only in gaming but in anything else in this world. Heres the fallacy in their thinking. Halo was great and was it's own game, and thats what made it so good because it was nothing like CoD. It was already successful before CoD. If they would have stayed true to Halo's roots, the population would not have died out and eventually CoD will self destruct as long as their is a better quality game to play because they put out the same product every year and they don't fix a damn thing. Halo 4 is a failure. 343 is a failure. The CSR system isn't even out yet but that's already a failure. Any changes they make now is too late. 343 didn't even do a beta test. They don't know what their doing. People from 343 have even came out and said we made alot of mistakes. The game can "evolve" without changing the core elements that made Halo so great. If you like the game then fine but your opinion does not stack up against the points I made and is really just incoherent. You say that 343 did not take any ideas from CoD.... was you in their meetings or were you involved with the games design? If you take your mouth off 343's **** for a second and take a step back you can easily see how this all breaks down -- There are so many things have changed in Halo 4 that has made the population decline very rapidly, and all the changes (I pointed them all out in the first post) are similar and can be directly compared to the forumla CoD has been using for years , and CoD franchise has been dominating the FPS market for years and has made ALOT of money doing it, and everything in this world is about being relevant and successful in order to make the most amount of money. Do th math, or really in this case just use some common sense.
Thought I'd drop in and check on the status of Halo 4. It appears things have gotten worse since I turned in the game and stopped posting here. I wonder how many people have changed their opinion who spent so much time defending it when the game came out. I've had to resort to giving Activision more money and playing Black Ops 2. As General Hummel says in The Rock.... damn you 343 for forcing me into this position.
Not upset, just keeping it real with some humor.
My reponse to that.....
I'm alone in my opinions and I'm the only one suffereing? Are you on something or are you just that stupid and just living in your own world? I will answer that. Your stupid (maybe on something too) because you said that I'm alone, but I'm going with what everyone else is saying in comparisions with CoD which means I'm not alone. You condricted yourself. I'm assuming you can read and write so why don't you go looking around the forums, there a ton of threads posted where people just like me are explaining why they are unhappy with the game, people who have stopped playing, and others that have traded in the game, mostly for the reasons I have already covered. But I'm sure you already knew that which brings me back to the stupid part.
Well like I said, I really can't understand that especially if you were really into Halo MP growing up like I was and my friends. I'm sure there are others like you that just like it because it's different. But there are many others out there like I described. It is what it is. I still have hope but I doubt Halo will be returning to it's roots anytime soon, which makes me sad. Also, in my opinion, Halo 4 is alot more like Halo Reach than any other Halo. I dislike Reach and Halo 4 about the same. Heres where I draw the line.... Both Halo Reach and Halo 4 do not have a competitive ranking system, and both games have players starting out with different weapons and abilities. This structure, along with the fast paced gameplay and unlock system is the formula of success for CoD. (Not saying CoD invented everything so no one jump on my for that again). It's a copycat world. Right now, CoD is the king of the FPS world. So if any game adapts to similiar gameplay used in CoD then it will automatically get compared to it. Just the way it is. The problem is, Halo was already extremely successful and did not need to copy off crap.
If you grew up playing Halo CE through H3 then I honeslty cannot understand how or why you like this game and continue to come on here and defend it while continuing to ignore and/or deny that the structure of the game has changed in order to compete with CoD. Me and all my friends grew up playing Halo MP throughout high school and college. Most people on here that are unhappy with the game are unhappy because they too grew up playing Halo, and the STRUCTURE of Halo 4 is completely different. So different that it is not Halo anymore. Halo MP was built on being 100 percent balanced and competitive. That formula is gone in Halo 4. The structure of Halo 4 is the problem. These are the people that I refer to as a true Halo MP fan. Guys who grew up having Halo CE parties with 16 plus people every weekend where we would all bring our own TV's and play until 6 in the morning, and those same group of guys playing Halo 2 over XBL and still having parties all the way up to Halo 3. Hell we still had Halo CE parties years later after Halo 2 and 3 came out. I went to many tournaments including MLG. Halo was a huge part of our lives, just like millions of others out there. I'm guesing your one of those people who either picked up playing Halo later on, or played Halo and did not like it for probably a bunch of dumb reasons. In the end there are more casual gamers these days vs hardcore Halo gamers that still have interest in playing. Me and my friends now have families and full time jobs. 343 is going with the money. That's the bottom line. The few friends I have left that still plays XBOX including myself and a ton of other people on these forums want a game worthy of that Halo name. You and everyone else please try to understand that. If you like the game then thats great. But there are alot of us that don't. For reasons that I just explained.
I would give H4 a negative 5. H4 sucks. If you grew up playing Halo CE through H3 then I honeslty cannot understand how or why you like this game and continue to come on here and defend it while continuing to ignore and/or deny that the structure of the game has changed in order to compete with CoD. At this point though we are all beating a dead horse as far as anything getting fixed for H4. 343 has our money. Stupid people are going to be stupid. Ignorant people will continue to be ignorant. Nothing is going to change. I am hoping that H4 population gets so low and that more and more people continue to come on these forums to rip the game so that Microsoft and 343 will realize that they messed up and will make Halo 5 what Halo 4 should have been. As a true Halo fan that is all I have to hope for at this point.
Ok IGN giving H4 game of the year. I am a huge Halo fan and I kept the game for 2 weeks. I think Microsoft paid off some people.
Man this thread just won't die. I traded in H4 a while ago, but I still do care about Halo and want a real Halo game so thats why I check back here on occasion just to see if 343 is doing anything constructive or if anything has changed (which it hasn't). Thank you all for posting and keeping this thread going. Maybe someone important from 343 will see this and see the direction this game is going and a light bulb will go off. I have lost hope for this game, but I still have hope the Halo 5 will be great and that they will learn from their mistakes. Wasn't really calling you "retarded," I don't know you. But the way you were thinking was retarded. There is a difference. That statement you made about Halo never being about the MP and that they clearly make Halo games for the campagn... ranks among the dumbest things I've ever heard. Sorry if I offended you, but it's just dumb.
People are jumping ship man. It's really sad.
WOW. I would really like educate you and also explain how retarded your thinking is but I think I would actually rather go slit my throat then engage in a conversation with you. Just read what TonyY wrote I think he broke it down pretty good for ya. I have officially given up with Halo 4. Traded in it today while it is still worth 30 bucks. I will keep monitoring the forums and see how 343 repsonds to all the unhappy people. If they makes the neccesary changes, then I will go back and get the game again. But I just don't see it happening. Halo as of right now is dead to me.
I do understand that games try to appeal to the biggest audience, but Halo is not any game. Halo MP came before CoD and it did not need to change the foundation of the game to appeal to the anyone because the game was already great and extremely successful, and already had a very strong population and fanbase. My suggestions are to return Halo to it's roots, which a strong competitive and balanced MP game. This is how you do that. - Bring back the truskill ranking system with seperates playlists for unranked games - Implement a strong penalty for quiting - Get rid of JiP - Start every game with even teams] - Make Specializations available to everyone - Make a Doubles and 3v3 playlist That would be a good start. I personally do not like ordinance drops. I perfer to have weapons spawn on the map ,because it adds a whole different dimension to the game as far as controling the map and the power weapons. But those changes would make the game balanced and competitive and that would be enough for me.
If it's just so useless then why waste your time coming here and taking time to write all of that? Truth is it's not useless, as evident as all the people who are coming here to complain about the game because it is not what they expected. These are real problems. Most if not all of these people that are coming here to discuss what they think is wrong with the game actually care about Halo and want things to be fixed. People who don't care just turn the game in and move on. You want to talk about trains. How about you get off your sucking Halos and 343 nuts train and stop trying to defend it everytime someone makes a post about Halo 4 in a negative way. If you like the game how it is (really cant see how if you grew up playing the first three Halo multiplayer games) then thats fine. Go play and stop wasting your time making posts about other posts that according to you are "useless." Honestly man, this is me being honest. If you can't take a step back, and see how Halo has transformed and copied off CoD's success by trying to appeal to that type of gamer, then you are senseless or just plain ignorant.
You guys are funny. Glad you all love the game so much. Wish I felt the same way.
Lets send 343 a message. This Wednesday December the 5th, lets stop playing Halo 4 for one day. You could play Halo 3, or Reach. Or dream about playing Halo 2. Or just not play Halo 4 at all. If you are disgruntled in any way with Halo 4, it could be about the specializations, or you could just unhappy with Halo 4 in general (like not having a ranking system, or the game being unbalanced which against the Halo code.) then join with me this Wednesday. If 343 doesn't get the message then we can hit them again until they do. Spread the word around. Tell your friends. It's just for one day. But if enough people stop playing and start playing H3 for that day that should send 343 a clear message. I personally will be doing this for many reasons. I want 343 to realize that the core elements and structure of Halo MP have been altered with Halo 4, and that's something that I do not appreciate. Halo MP as built around a strong competitive and balanced game. If you grew up playing Halo CE, Halo 2 and 3 multiplayer, and you feel the same way then join me tomorrow in playing Halo 3. Or if you have issues with how unfair we have been treated with the specializations then please also join in. Or if there is something else you don't like, also feel free to join in, and voice your opinion on these forums and don't let anyone else stop you. I am just one person. I can not make a difference by myself. If were to get 10,000 people or more, then that can make a difference. Lets make it happen.
343 Halo 4 launch until now has failed. They have failed miserably with the specializations. They have failed with the playlists. They need to get their act together.
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Oh look, another person who is disappointed and who thinks the game is unbalanced. These are real problems people. How many of us complaining is it going to take for some of you to realize that Halo is NOT Halo anymore, due to many reasons. Mostly due to the success of CoD because it has had a major influence on this game. Eventually all of us not happy are just going to lose hope and will stop caring, and the Halo 4 population will dwindle just like it did in Reach. If your happy with the game then fine, play away. But stop trying to defend the game saying it "evolved" (which is horse s**t) and that these problems are not real. They are real. The Halo foundation needs to come back. Which is: competitive and balanced MP. The game can "evolve" in many many different ways with keeping that foundation in place.
Oh my Jesus God dude, it was NOT a evolution. The game transformed, or a better word for it was COPY. It happens not only in video games but in the rest of the real world. If something is successful you can expect others to copy. Why? Because it's all about the $$$. The problem with Halo is that is was already successful and was already a great game. It did not need it. Please try to understand that.