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Everything posted by JetEyeNight

  1. Yes, I actually liked the button glitches but they will never return due to obvious reasons like modded controllers. People back in Halo 2 used Mad Catz macro controller to program quad shotting. It just wans't fair.
  2. They will never bring back button glitches such as BXR, BXB, Double Shot, Quad Shot, etc...There is a little thing today that I'm sure you've all heard of... MODDED CONTROLLERS. There would be no skill gap with so many people using them. It would be cheating. There'd be no way to distinguish modded controllers from people doing it legit. People would claim they were legit, but most of the time it would be modded controllers. I would love to see super jumping/ super bouncing make a comeback. Unfortunately the maps aren't designed for it and there are kill zones. It was pretty obvious that super bounces were intentionally put into HALO 2 and not just a normal glitch.
  3. The first week playing was awesome. My shots counted. Lag was nearly non-existent. People were using different weapons. I thought to myself, "there's no way I'm going to play Black Ops 2 over this!" Now I'm not so sure. Now it's a lag lag lag lagfest. I can't kill someone nearly point blank with two shots from the Rocket Launcher only to have them hip fire kill me with a DMR in the perfect number of shots. WTF. I'm constantly killed from people hip firing the DMR. The DMR wins at nearly any distance against almost any gun. I'm TIRED OF IT!!! How can you kill me hip firing your DMR from all the way across the map when I'm sniping you? It needs a NERF... PERIOD... It's not "fine". Also my reticle hardly ever turns red when it appears to be right on target. When I'm in a battle with someone I'll be emptying clips into them only to die to them hip firing their DMR. I'll watch the kill cam and it shows I didn't even move or even shoot many shots at them? WTHIGO? (What The Hell Is Going On?) Are people lag switching or what? My internet is more than adequate. I can ping very low across the country. I live in Minneapolis, MN and I'm constantly connected with Miami, FL, Mexico, Canada, New York, California, etc. I put hundreds of hours into Lan Halo:CE, played 15,000 + games of Halo 2 online, played hundreds of hours of Halo 3 and Reach. I know how to aim and I know how to kill people. This game is not working for me. It's broken.
  4. It's pretty easy to not die when you don't PTFO.
  5. Big team battle is a mess. Nothing but lag lag lag lag lag. I have yet to play one game where people aren't skipping around the map. You get boarded way too easily, and you are stunned for far too long after you get boarded. The DMR is way way way overpowered. I'm killed from across the map from people HIP FIRING the DMR, not even aiming down scope. It's more accurate hip firing with the DMR than it is shooting down scope with the Carbine or Light Rifle. The DMR wins almost every time. It definitely needs to be nerfed. The only ones who say it's fine are the people who ***** it and love killing those who dare use anything BUT the DMR. I've used the DMR and yes it is good, but it isn't balanced. I'm getting really tired of getting the Saw in my ordinance drop, loading someone in the back only to have him turn around and killi me hip firing the DMR, all the while he's eating my Saw bullets. WTF?
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