Final Sentence
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Belleville, IL - US
I am a nerd at heart and work as an integration engineer, so if you can think it, I've probably seen it. Always competitive at everything I do, baseball, paintball, gaming, etc. as it keeps you striving to be better.
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Final Sentence
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Promethean Knight (9/19)
That's what most people are referring to when they say HALO IS DEAD, because the current ones are. The older games are more popular, because of the gameplay is sound. One of my biggest complaints with Reach and Halo 4 is how often your character get stuck on ****. A little root in the ground is preventing me from walk, a little knot of the corner of the door frame keeps me from turning the corner and a flat wall doesn't have the same grenade bounce if thrown the exact same. if you live in St. Louis, I'd throw ya an invite March 30th, finding more locals is what gaming is all about. People have lost most of their human interaction capabilities with everything being Internet based (not just gaming).
The game simply took to long to get competitive. The playlist arrived way beyond the point of people giving up on Halo. If this would have been the default game, it would be played list crazy. Since it took so long to release the competitive community never found a good mix and all the big leagues left Halo. Releasing the gametype after all of this wasn't going to fix the damage that had been done. This game is dead and my proof is this... I hold all kinds of adult beverage LANs at my place and Craiglist normally fills the last 4-6 slots of local friends that can't make it. Made a multiple posts about Halo 4 LANs etc... I got 1 response is 3 weeks, I reposted the same thing but said CE LAN and I had to remove the posting within 3 days. A game over 10 years old grabs people's attention, and on top of that they're willing to play on bubble TVs and beyond outdated Xboxes on top of that. Graphics and Gimmicks don't make a game, how the game plays is what it's all about.
Final Sentence started following Will double xp weekends return? , Player Population!! , Motion Tracker Needs to Stay Gone and 5 others
What I was stating was motion trackers need to go, not radar. I have no problem with radar but anything that tracks all movement should die with Halo. Also, when he said, "most are very oblivious to the radar (motion tracker)" then why do they all complain about it missing? If they didn't pay attention to it, why does it matter if it's missing or not functioning 100% ?
I love how I get banned from WayPoint for this post, it's not even bad... The only reason Motion Tracker should be in the game is to help new players in FPS games. There is no other reason to have this option in the game, the ONLY OTHER GAME that has this option is Aliens. Why you ask? For the very reason of the game, YOU PLAY DEFENSE THE ENTIRE GAME NOT OFFENSE! You are being attacked, you aren't attacking, so that's the point of the motion tracker, it helps the people playing defense more than offense, but this is a FPS game... So what does a motion tracker do for gameplay? Makes the game played like a DEFENSIVE game, which is slow paced and boring. Also, good luck when Halo goes away because this has no reason to ever appear in any FPS games in the future, unless another Aliens game. It's proven year after year, it's bad. Bungie has plan and simple made the majority of Halo games bad. They relay way to much on something that shows all movement and even spawns. You are active on motion tracker for 5 seconds after spawning even if you instantly squat, <-- that's retarded. Get over Motion Tracker being off on Throwdown, learn to play without it, because it will be gone when Halo leaves. RADAR works like MW and UAV's because it's not always on and can be blown up, this always on crap is dumb. I have been playing since CE, if you played with anyone in my group and you forgot the motion tracker DISABLED setting, you get a warning, 2nd offense is a kick in the ass. It makes you bad and narrow minded, period, plan and simple. Blame Bungie for making you suck. No reason for having motion tracker turned on, allied only is the better option for Halo 4 as the sound aspect of Halo has never been so pronounced. Your own footsteps sound like they are behind you and I'd rather know a friendly IS behind me by the sound and glancing at the radar then having to constantly turn around to check.
I don't know what setting they changed exactly but when I played on the AGL settings with customs, they work the way they should. You use them a blockers as, if a player walked through them they were 2 shot.
No it doesn't, with instant respawn, instead of 5 second respawn, it's safe to say an extra 20-40 grenades are thrown per game depending on the gametype. Games like Oddball, easily 40 more a game as the average life is only 10-20 seconds, as people just run straight in as they don't have to worry about spawn times. Spawn, THROW, THROW (some people THROW AGAIN) sprint, shot, die. *Repeat* 20-40 times a game
I am production line integration specialist, and I under-estimate PCs? I work with system that range from $400 to $4k on a daily basis. There is NO reason to push Halo to PC. At this point in time, Halo's failures might force it to a PC as XBOX = HALO. I expect to see Halo 5 release with "THE XBOX" <-- new Xbox, but even then I don't see it as a marketable game because how badly is has flopped.
It says competitive gameplay and I have the exact same thought process as you. This game will still be trash if rader/motion tracker is left on. Look at how sad 343 is, their forums have been down for almost a week, a freaking week!
I have no drive to play this on a PC, so this wouldn't change my views or the majority of my friends that game either. I spent $1,400 on a PC almost 9 years ago and did the whole PC gaming thing, then left for console and never looked back. I can buy one system $300-$400 and never have to upgrade a thing for years. That's what I want in a gaming console. Don't come back with, well you'll need to upgrade for better graphics, etc. Nope, I don't care what my game looks like, as long as it plays good. Ever since Halo started to worry about Graphics, the gameplay has gone down hill. I have no drive to play this on a PC, so this wouldn't change my views or the majority of my friends that game either. I spent $1,400 on a PC almost 9 years ago and did the whole PC gaming thing, then left for console and never looked back. I can buy one system $300-$400 and never have to upgrade a thing for years. That's what I want in a gaming console. Don't come back with, well you'll need to upgrade for better graphics, etc. Nope, I don't care what my game looks like, as long as it plays good. Ever since Halo started to worry about Graphics, the gameplay has gone down hill.
Removing motion tracker would help fix this problem, same as fixing many of the other problems in Halo. No motion tracker, ='s many wasted grenades. People will still throw them but they will be blindly thrown, not at a red dot near a corner.
I said in my post, this only works on Inf Slayer. I can't go into an Inf. Slayer game solo without finding a good match. When I play with friends that are bad, yes the games become easier, when I play with better friends it becomes harder. Oddball games I can win with randoms all day.
This has been confirmed a few times by now I would have to agree to your disagree. You put 2 players in a game that might appear higher in rank because they are only slayers, but suck at OBJ their ranks will be lowered. Same goes with all OBJ players and no slayer, they won't be able to pass a level, but if they get carried they'll drop again. This is the same player from H3 that got their 50 by accident and never played it again.
Anger towards 343 industries!!!
Final Sentence replied to Roman White Falcon Seibel's topic in Halo 4
I have three questions, as it sounds you're new to Xbox, sounds like you can't play online period. 1. Have you played a single Halo 4 game online? 2. First do you have a GOLD XBL Membership, *you have to pay for this month/year, unlike PSN* 3. Did you buy the system from a store or someone? 3a. If yes, do you know the person because if not, it could be a banned system and you could just be SOL What is your gamertag? -
I don't even see why we would need this? MAX everyone to 130 in just a few days? 4 days and 5 hrs, and level 99 (NEVER ONCE, used any double XP and only have a few games of Spartan Ops played). Granted, I don't know about others, but I got a good 2 weeks of solid gaming when I had the flu, so maybe others don't have 4 days played, but I see players that are 130 with Spec Ops boosting Double XP. I really don't see a reason why this is even needed in Halo 4, you want a higher level either play better or boost Spartan Ops.
How many people are honestly blind to this fact, that they already use something in the background? The only thing they are going to do is put a number value to it, which that being said will also ONLY be displayed on Halo Way Point (NOT IN GAME). To change this in game would be a massive overhaul of so many different loading screens within Halo 4. Way to many man hours, and maybe something they'd change in Halo 5, but I don't see this happening in Halo 4, you're talking about thousands of dollars in man hours to change and retest just visuals. You'll have a range in Halo Way point which I still don't think will show much about the player, as it will be K/D or something else based. It's been so long since they've used W/L as a factor in ranks, I just dont see it happen. Where is my proof they have this already in play? Do you guys not play Inf. Slayer (not being team) just Inf. Slayer. When you play with a good team, you generally cross another good team. If you have a bad players on your team, you will cross more bad players. If you bring a group into the game, they generally do a good job at matching similiar abilities. I find going solo into Inf. Slayer I have good matches just about everytime. Again, this is about the only gametype a ranking system would make sense in as objective games, it's almost impossible to build a mathematical breakdown on who is the better player in OBJ games.