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Everything posted by SMOK3 U

  1. Phantom melees! With the fish stick control scheme, which put the meele button at the right analog stick, i can be tracking a player, pull the trigger and throw an elbow. Scoped in or not. I have lost countless conformations because of this. I know that im not "clicking" the f@#king stick in, GIVE ME A PROPER BOXER CONTROL SCHEME!
  2. SMOK3 U

    phantom melee

    Bumper jumper? I will check it out. It's really frustrating to be hunting some guy down with the dmr then out of no where meele for no good reason. Or neck deep in a firefight going hit for hit, last shot wins type of situation, than meele out of the blue than death for me
  3. SMOK3 U

    phantom melee

    What the hell! I get phantom melees all the time. Pull the trigger and i might just throw an elbow. This crap is ******** me off! DON'T try and tell me that i am pushing to hard on right stick. Bull s@&t! I'm running fish sticks for a control scheme because someone adjusted boxer. Can someone help? Cause I'm about to rage out and break this disc!
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