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  1. Seriously, I'm not an amazing player, probably considered decent at best, but when I have the boltshot on smaller maps I can wreak havoc, and really I feel like such a noob/jerk using it. If other people are using it and irritating me with it then I will decide to use it to get them back but other than that I try not to use it. It really needs a range nerf if anything as its one-hit kill range is farther than that of the scattershot or the human shotgun. Also, the charge-up time is still pretty freakin' fast. I can literally run around a corner, immediately charge it up and instakill the guy who was chasing me all in less than 2 seconds. You can protect yourself against it a little if you get good at listening to the sound it makes, but with all the chaos that normally goes on in matches that can be hard to do.
  2. I really don't know how some of you are defending active camo in this game. You can go into full camo almost instantly, it is much harder to see than it was in previous games and Promethean vision **does not counter it** unless they are out in the open and relatively close. If they are behind a wall, box, the floor below you, etc. with it not even an outline of them shows up. Only when they are out in the open do they show up green, and again, this is only at fairly short range. While you can't run around in the open all willy-nilly on maps like Ragnarok, someone wiith a good position can see 25-50% of the map at any given time. Even if they just have a DMR or a Light rifle they can kill you pretty fast if you're out in the open for just a couple seconds (moving from cover to cover). If there are multiple people with invisibility they can kill you almost instantly. And yeah, whoever commented about how ridiculous it is for entire other teams to be using active camo, I totally agree with you. It isn't the least bit fun to play in those sort of matches, nor is it fun to have to run around using promethean vision all the time just to do a crappy counter to active camo.
  3. This sounds like a great idea to me. Although the Battle Rifle's rate of fire would probably have to be slowed down just a tad so that the DMR, which a ton of people are already accustomed to, is still a viable weapon at medium ranges.
  4. The boltshot needs a nerf. It doesn't take that long to charge, someone half decent at aiming can one hit kill someone fairly easily, and there are enough rounds in it to do two charge shots in succession without having to reload. I've heard the idea is to keep people from chasing other people... if someone is running from you, that usually means you are doing something right. Why give the person that really **should** die a last-ditch way to save themself? Changing the way the shields work in Halo 4 compared to Reach has already helped a lot with the problem of someone trying to rush you and melee you. In Reach, damage didn't "bleed through" your shield, so if you had a 75% damage head start on them they could easily nullify that by just meleeing you. In this game, if someone does that, you can melee them at the same time and the damage that the melee causes will go through the small portion of shield they have left and kill them, not giving them time to melee you again. I say that reducing the range and/or ammo used for a charge shot would help. Also, the charge shot overheating can be easily averted by simply switching to your other weapon and right back. If you couldn't switch weapons until the charge-shot overheating bit is done that would also help quite a bit.
  5. Playing on maps where people have the sniper rifle and use active camo is not fun at all. Promethean vision has a pretty limited range to start with, and it doesn't show people who are using active camo through objects at all. At the range where people use a sniper on a map like Ragnarok, it is near impossible to see the light distortion that active camo creates (it is actually fairly hard to see it up close in my opinion). The radar scramble effect that active camo causes lets you know someone nearby is using active camo, but again, at the range that snipers operate this doesn't help at all. A player who is using active camo and sniping can eventually be dealt with if they don't move around much, but if someone is smart and changes the area they snipe from they are almost impossible to deal with. It isn't as bad when this happens, but when people are using active camo and medium-long range precision weapons (DMR, Battle Rifle, Carbine, Light Rifle) they are also pretty difficult to deal with. The reason is the same reason that active camo snipers are almost unbeatable: you have no indication they are there at that range. I have little issue with active camo on smaller maps, as I can't remember any games thus far (300+) where it has been a major annoyance.
  6. Regidice is fun but sometimes we just want to play traditional rumble pit/lone wolves slayer. I thought the throwback FFA this week was just that but then I found out it was only oddball and king of the hill. While fun, those modes aren't traditional free-for-all slayer.
  7. I really like the idea behind the Regicide game type, but I feel like there are almost not advantages to being the king. If you are king for a long time, meaning that you have been doing really well, other players get 35 points for killing you. I understand the idea, but since the king has a marker over their head, everyone is going after the king so whoever kills the king could very well just headshot them after someone else does all the work. Someone who "steals" a king kill from someones else doesn't deserve 35 points (or whatever the bounty is at the time). Also, attempting to remain king for a long period of time actually works against you, because if you have worked hard to get 2-3 kills ahead of someone else, they only have to kill you once to catch back up. It is almost a better strategy to die on purpose before your bounty gets too high. Another thing: by having the marker over the king's head, everyone goes after the king. This is a refreshing twist that prevents camping, but when you are the king you have to try and defend yourself from about 2-3 people at the same time. This would be fine, but it takes far too long to get any bonuses for being the king. It seems to take **forever** to get an overshield, and the overshield goes down on its own without anyone even shooting you. The overshield also does not give you much of an advantage at all because when 2-3 people are shooting at you that overshield is gone almost immediately. To recap, the things I would prefer to have changed are (not necessarily all, as changing one may nullify the need to another change): *** Remove or reduce king bounties *** Maybe implement splitting up the king bounty among players who dealt damage to the king (for someone who does 50% damage and someone steals the kill they get 50% of the bounty) *** Give the king better perks/power-ups more often. Overshield isn't that great and it takes forever to get reign of terror. Maybe getting a regular overshield in like 75% of the time it currently takes to get one, an overshield and reign of terror at 150-175% of the time it currently takes to get an overshield, etc. and so on.
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