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Everything posted by asgardianhammer

  1. I think the Halo 4 soundtrack could have been techy with a driving beat had they brought someone like Daft Punk in to score it. There is so much club stuff like jungle and Trance that coul dhave brought that home. I hate club music but i think something really cool could have been done and still achieved what they wanted.
  2. So i wanted to start a thread on the score to Halo 4 and what potentials Halo 5 could hold. I know there are mixed emotions regarding Halo 4's soundtrack. Me personally i like some elements and some not so much. There are only a couple of pieces for me that are really memorable. I think the soundtrack to Halo 4 stands for what it was meant to, which is to give an identity to the unique and awesome nature of the Forerunners. It feels alien and has the techy feel to match it. That being said it has nothing nearly as memorable as Breaking Benjamins Blow Me Away, or Reach's, soaring anthem. I would like to see a re-imagining if you will of how Bungie approached the soundtrack to Halo 2. Bring in some bands again to really dig in and give it some meat. Those were songs written by fans of the game. People who really enjoyed the story and just plain got it. I kno wthat 343 really wanted to create this large epic movie styled story, but for me there was no music in game that really got me pumped. That made me want to jump off my couch and be all like "hell yeah" take that you split lipped ba$&*rd$. Sound off marines.
  3. There is a lot of finger pointing at Halsey in regards to Master Chief being "broken". Also due to his spat with Del Rio Master Chief was dubbed an "aging Spartan". I think this puts the Master Chief on the outs with ONI directoives. Something is changing and not for good within ONI. It would be intersting to see the Master Chief leave earth in search of Cortana after being either decommissioned or on the run. Maybe he is on the outs due to his disagreement with ONI about Sanghelios and goes to help the Arbiter. maybe ONI tries to use or control the flood to destroy Sanghelios and the covenant and the Arbiter and Master Chief go to look for other forerunner help. remember the librarian ha dplaced a geas within Master Chief as well. This could direct them to where they need to go. Maybe they try to reawaken Borstellar Didact, as Bornstellar had an affinity for humanity.
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