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    x SwAyZey x

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Hunter (4/19)



  1. enjoy video and watch on channel page for better quality
  2. I Have made a few changes and am hoping to raise my SUB base I have a new layout, background, as well as intro/outro for my videos I also have purchased a Blue Snowball for commentaries https://www.youtube.com/user/MegaCurt20?feature=mhee
  3. https://www.youtube.com/user/MegaCurt20?feature=mhee
  4. New Video up I am a vehicle ***** !!! lmao but seriously SwAyZey comin at you with another great Gameplay/Commentary. Please enjoy and give me feedback. Comment on my youtube channel's page and EVERY COMMENT IS APPRECIATED ENJOY !!!
  5. Please check out my channel and enjoy I have Gow 3 and H4 gameplays and commentaries. I dont claim to be the best player so dont go in expecting me to be better than your favorite player Just enjoy the gameplay and Comm. and view it as I produced it...entertainment https://www.youtube.com/user/MegaCurt20?feature=mhee
  6. Thanks !!!! I really appreciate the feedback and I usually do other topics I do plan on continuing the commentaries though and I hope to meet many new people
  7. Thank you lol, and yea but hey at least I had a driver lmao. Not sure why you called me Tex but I appreciate the feedbacl If you enjoyed and want to catch more gameplays dont forget to subscribe
  8. New Video up I am a vehicle ***** !!! lmao but seriously SwAyZey comin at you with another great Gameplay/Commentary. Please enjoy and give me feedback. Comment on my youtube channel's page and EVERY COMMENT IS APPRECIATED ENJOY !!!
  9. New Video up I am a vehicle ***** !!! lmao but seriously SwAyZey comin at you with another great Gameplay/Commentary. Please enjoy and give me feedback. Comment on my youtube channel's page and EVERY COMMENT IS APPRECIATED ENJOY !!!
  10. New Video up I am a vehicle ***** !!! lmao but seriously SwAyZey comin at you with another great Gameplay/Commentary. Please enjoy and give me feedback. Comment on my youtube channel's page and EVERY COMMENT IS APPRECIATED ENJOY !!!
  11. I am a new/active youtuber and am currently trying to extend my content to Halo 4 I am searching for some people to play with since I dont have many friends on this game and lets face it...its much more enjoyable when playing a game like this with others right? So really all I ask is that your a laid back person (not raging in my ear all the time) and that your moderately good at the game (not pro but good). My GT= x SwAyZey x I have plenty of spots just hit me up and let me know who you are and if you would like you can look at my channel so far...primarily has GOW3 vids but I do have 3 H4 vids up for you to watch http://www.youtube.com/user/MegaCurt20?feature=mhee
  12. I liked GOW 3 better personally. I still play it to this day . Alot of people left early due to the new weapons however those players aren't missed the game is smoother than previous versions as well . I would recommend you to stick with Gears because it is very rewarding if you take the time to become skilled ...Also try to find a group of laid back/skilled players to run with and you will have a much better experience I have some videos on my channel if you would like to see how the game runs for me ... http://www.youtube.com/user/MegaCurt20?feature=mhee Also if you would like, I have open spots on my FL so add me for gears or H4 just let me know who you are when you request so I dont delete it
  13. I know this is a Halo 4 forum I have 3 videos up as of yet and I feel they are good. I am still learning the ropes in this game but I feel that after 3 days of playing Im off to a good start If you wouldnt mind check out my channel and view some of my content. I have primarily GOW 3 videos atm along with the 3 H4 ones I already mentioned. If you haven't played GOW 3 you should try it. It is hard to learn but fun when you get the hang of it . Anyways please check my vids and like and leave comments !!! Let me know what kind of content you enjoy most and what you want to see I will do my best to provide you with quality entertainment . I primarily do commentaries so also throw me some ideas if you would like for me to speak on a certain topic. http://www.youtube.com/user/MegaCurt20?feature=mhee
  14. Boltshot discussion in commentary sir dont misslead yourself
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