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  1. I like the concept of the flood game so I dont want it removed, but I would love it if the flood zombies didnt feel so powerful. I love the old infection game type modes from halo reach because the humans and zombies feel so balances, but in this mode some of the armor abilities and traits of the flood make them very difficult. I would prefer it if they had no shields as I feel this would balance the game, make matches last longer, and force the flood players to play strategically like you used to have to.
  2. First off I just want to state that I love what you guys did with Halo 4. One issue I have though is the inability to do something about people who troll games (at least none that I know of). I know that theres a boot option if people betray you, but that doesnt always come up so sometimes someone will kill you once obviously on purpose in a critical time making you lose the game, and other times they will just hit you but not kill you or beat up the vehicle you are in. It bugs me that there is no way to report cases like this to help weed out people who ruin the game experience for others. Maybe a punishment like a temp ban from matchmaking? Eitherway, for some ideas I recommend looking at League of Legends. I constantly find myself being drawn to the game just because of its awesome community. The reason for that is an effective ban/punishment system for people who ruin the game for others as well as an incentive system for being a fun/nice/helpful player, and League is a free to play game so I doubt its something that's expensive either. Sure you run into a few jerks here and there, but you run into them less often and you can actually do something about them. I hope you guys can think of something, as it ruins my gaming experience to have these things happen to me. I love what you are doing with Halo 4 however and hope you keep up the good work and maybe look into this issue (I know im most definitely not the first one to say something about this but I figured it's best to at least get my opinion out there). Thanks again!
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