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Everything posted by Waspinator1998

  1. I think I figured it out. I have a GTX 760 in my computer, and updating the drivers seemed to resolve the issue.
  2. Just one question: Do your multiplayer characters from Halo 3 & 4 transfer over to the Master Chief Collection?
  3. I agree with the article, Microsoft should be more open in the area of indie games.
  4. Okay, why are you even complaining about access to all specializations? It was originally going to be an LE exclusive bonus, but 343 gave that away, as well as pretty much every other LE bonus.
  5. Half-Life 2 deserves its place, Halo 4 is the best 360 game, but defiantly does NOT have the best graphics. And if you ask me, Borderlands 2 shouldn't be up there at all.
  6. Six was killed by a group of bloodthirsty Elites.
  7. No, Spartan Ops was designed for multiplayer. If you want to play it singleplayer, fine, but keep in mind that's it's about 10x harder that way.
  8. We need a way to avoid the upcoming...*dramatic pause* BACON SHORTAGE *dramatic music*
  9. Really? I heard Chuck Norris is already dead, but Death is too afraid to tell him...
  10. They showed us his eyes. I'll let that slide...for now.
  11. I always rank within the top 3 of my team, so I just reap the XP I made, shrug it off, and move on to the next match.
  12. They couldn't have simply 'killed' Cortana. The ending wasn't very clear on her true fate. I'm sure 343 will bring her back in Halo 5 in some form...
  13. Did anyone else hear about the Binary Slayer gametype that 343i is making? I think it looks amazing! Here's a link to IGN's coverage video over the gametype. http://www.youtube.c...ed/PY9hNEEXgoA *edit* Added a video just in case someone doesn't know what I'm talking about/doesn't want to leave the forum to search for a demo video.
  14. I normally trade items instead of using money, but when I do use money, it's golden nuggets. Those were added in the 1.8.2 update, right?
  15. I'm thinking something similar to a Far Cry 2/3 map editor.
  16. By far the PC version! The 360 controls are terrible, the version number is way behind (although I'm sure they'll catch up), the skin system is...is... Not to mention most of the skins look terrible. There's so much more wrong with the 360 version that I could ramble on about all day, but just buy the PC version. It may cost more, but it's worth it.
  17. Hm. The servers you're trying to connect to might be down. A lot of dead MC servers keep their ads/videos and whatnot online even after their server is long gone.
  18. Half-Life, Portal, Halo, Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, and Far Cry could probably be made into good movies/TV shows.
  19. I don't see why people are even comparing CoD and Halo, they're two completely different games.
  20. He was just stating an opinion, no need to go on a rant...
  21. Meh. We'll see how good this really is once we get it. Hopefully, one of them will be good for forging.
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