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Jackal (2/19)



  1. i guess you could say that if you got your code an never need tech support, never leave your house to sytem link, and never forge.
  2. So I've been playing since halo, competivly since 2. Played em all, was enovled in both open betas. Loved 1, maried 2 , had reach as our baby. Had halo 4 since release and loved it until these things happend Custom games does not allow the clasic mode of weapon place ment to be used in slayer game types. Max level is 70 aperintly 343 sent out codes to allow you to move on..... well after being spammed by live i had deleted it. Now i have yet to see 353 respond to any ones post regarding similar problems. so fail on customer suport. Sytem link has an epic fail, ive tried to connect multiple xboxs only 2 have ever ben linked. Theres no reason givin in the game as to why. so within a month halo 4 went from an 8 to a 5.
  3. my email for my account is wrong. i also had deleted the xbox msg by accident. im pretty sure you can tell if i have or havnt used it. but im a 70 an need it........
  4. There are a few things in forge that disapointed me. Granted these things may seem minorbut not to me. 1. There's no manual nudging with the sticks. 2. Slayer gametypes do not use classic weapon placements only orbital drops. 3. Although impact is nice and big, i had watched a video by 343 showcasing forge was going to have a forge world. I would have liked new peices also 4. I fail to see why we went back to the horible wording for teams (attacking and defending)of halo 3 when reach was favored. but those realy are the only peeves i have every thing else is brilliant.
  5. So no one knows or experiences a problem?
  6. if your talking about "place at start" then yes its set to true. as far as spawn time its at 45 sec.
  7. How do I get weapons to spawn in custom games? I have a map i dont want Ordinance drops on but weapons are not spawning.
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