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Everything posted by Baykem

  1. Yeah i guess that would be cool, if it all worked out but idk how IT IS going to work out
  2. id say for about awhile now, i mean 343 worked right under bungie in almost everything, i wouldnt be suprised if they were working on reach and h4 at the same time.
  3. Damn i would do it but im out of xbl
  4. Nice to see have new member around here!, know dont go trollin now ya hear!
  5. yeah, but uhh go to your local gamestop and see just how many extra copies of reach they have, it was never like that for h3 or h2
  6. Baykem

    Halo 4 for PC

    Hey this forum is monitored by 343staff isnt it? i was told it was
  7. And i honestly think this can all be solved by giving us a ton of custom game options, i mean everything from making the DMR burst and the BR single shot and what color we want the water sky and grass to be, know what im sayin?
  8. If 343 is smart they should be learning from the huge mistakes in reach, and since there working on this all by themselves, i think there going to want to get off on the right foot.
  9. Yeah, what happened to the youtube?
  10. True, but still reach isnt near as fun as halo 3 for me, after about 3 or 4 matches i get bored and annoyed and just stop playing, reach is for newer players, theres no way to denie they made it less skillful and easier to play so they could get more players, and i just plain out dont like that
  11. Its most likley some kind of engineering equipment he found on the ship, i dont think its an actual weapon.
  12. Equipment didnt ruin h3 in any way, it didnt really get used anyway unless it was a drop sheild or a regenerator, and armor abilites changed the formula of halo and thats why so many people are against it, idk if you even know just exactly HOW MANY people played halo befroe reach, h2 was like 500000 and up for the longest time, h3 had a steady million until the release of CoD4 and still almost two years later it had 300000 people online every day, know look at reach, hasnt even been out for a year yet and barley breaks 150000 even on the weekends, shouldnt that tell you something?
  13. all i want is sprint and evade, and maybe a toned down version of the jetpack
  14. Depends on why there t-bagging me in the first place, i dont see why people get so mad when they get t-bagged, i mean i know its an insult but if you have have 4 shots in on a guy and he turns around and 5 shots you then you should already know whats coming, if i get owned then i dont really get mad when i get t-bagged. but if someone is t-bagging me and there down by like 30 then it makes me mad cause they have no reason to be bagging.
  15. Im all for an EPIC invasion experience, i mean i thought of stuff like this after the beta for reach, but i know its not going to happen anytime soon simply because the hardware and software can handle it. i know it dosent seem like theyd be adding to much by what you posted but on a map the size of forge world or boneyard, thats a difficult task.
  16. Yeah, i mean im not saying i hate reach, (even though at times i truly do) and im open to new stuff, but this seem like its ahead of its time, maybe with halo 5 or 6 depending on how things workout, but for now, i think this is a no go.
  17. I dont like that idea, that would completly change the core gameplay which has already been changed enough with reach. and i can barley stand reach sometimes.
  18. They play your map to test it and then they make sure everything is aligned and such then upload or update it to the playlists. i think thats how anyway
  19. I think that is still done on bungie.net unless your looking to post somrthing for MLG then that is done on http://www.majorleaguegaming.com/
  20. Baykem

    Halo 4 Clans?

  21. Listen, i love how your voicing what you want for halo, but please use the search bar before posting a topic, im tired of seeing the same old threads over and over again
  22. Not with sprint, sprinting has nothting to do with your sheilds thats just all about the spartan
  23. I saw some people talking about this on the H4 thread, but, If any of you have have noticed, if your lagging in forge and you switch from player to monitor mode you'll have a Focus Rifle beam reticle that you can shoot for a second or two. in halo 3 i think the same thing happened except it was a sentinel beam.
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