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Everything posted by Baykem

  1. And you should be able to group objects together so incase you want to move something you dont have move every piece
  2. I like what you said except for the robots part.
  3. No, i dont want you to be able to change back and forth in game, i mean as like a setting for your gametypes, like how in classic slayer you can enable or disable super shields
  4. Im only saying i want individual weapon modifiers for competitve play, say maybe i want the magnum to be a 4 shot instead of a five shot but i want everything else to stay the same.
  5. What? halo reach DOES use histscan, go and watch some of there Doc VODs, they even say there using hitscan
  6. No. that is dumb. youre dumb. flame me if youu want but theres a ton of competitve gamers who would back me up on this.
  7. well number 1 i want my BR not DMR and if there were no ranks at all id see myself getting extremly bored fast since i AM a competitive gamer, you have to remember a VERY large part of the halo community are competitive, i mean halo put competitve gaming on consoles permantly on the map, to me this would be a slap in the face and dissapointment to see what started it all for me and others to go down the dark path...
  8. this is what ive been saying since reach came out, the GT is Baykem, MLG and trueskill are why i came back to play halo day after day, i loved halo, even if there was no MLG id still love halo 3, i didnt play much h2, i loved the BR not because it was easy to use, but to master it took skill, especially with real time physics, I dont like the DMR because its not really meant for close ranges, while the BR is a ALL PURPOSE weapon, i only like sprint because i feel like speeds the game up, i dont like anything else, even though i could deal with evade its very handy in almost every situation. and i love my trueskill system beacuse, it just make the game that much more intense, no matter what skill level you are, if you skill goes up or dpwn even one point you know you care, or else you wouldnt keep playing it in the first place. (and btw i had a 50 before in lone wolves but the account was hacked and they changed the gamertag and i cant remember the password to my old e-mail)
  9. well i figured they would do this since they did h1, but i dont see them doing an h3 remake until a new console is released
  10. And theres new way to BXR in Reach, i would say how but i dont wabt ti to get patched but it is really hard to do
  11. Baykem

    Tell bungie

    *cough* add the Battle Rifle *cough*
  12. The hell are you talking about? the BR you knew where it was going to hit every time, all YOU had to do is line up the shots and the BR was Real time in H3 so you had to do that too, the bloom on ANY WEAPON has to do with the percentage you will hit your target, the first shot from a DMR will ALWAYS hit you target if you wait for the bloom to reset then you still have 100% chance to hit your target, but if you dont wau for the bloom to recover before your next shot the your percentage drops, the more bloom, the less likley you are to hit your target, and dont forget the close your target is the more likley you are to hit it also, if you target is in your face, you cold proboly not have wait on your bloom to reset, but from medium to long range, youd have a better shot at your target if you paced your shots.
  13. As i said earlier, we need nore than small changes this game needs to be completly revamped, as i posted earlier, #1 Battle Rifle returns, #2 Bloom ON/OFF toggle for custom games and etc, #3 The return of ranked playlists, id rather have this than a overall BPR, #4 Fix to the Oversheild so we can see who has it besides in classic slayer, #5 Individual Weapon damage modification (being albe to change the damage of all the weapon individualy) and #5 The ability to toggle on real time physics or Hitscan (also should be able to do individualy) -my wishlist I want to see big changes because reach definatlry needs it, not small changes like the betrayl system and stuff, even though those things would be nice also Baykem Posts: 63 Joined: Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:07 pm
  14. Baykem

    Title Update

    Armor lock is for noobs, and i would settle for a ON/OFF toggle, or how about they just tkae bloom off of the precision weapons,( except sniper) leave it on the AR and such?
  15. who would buy the armor anyway?
  16. sell it for what? that makes no sense
  17. Baykem

    Tell bungie

    And i bet that since 343i is running it thats why were getting a title update, maybe 343 has been listening all along...
  18. Baykem

    Title Update

    Its because bloom is is broken, and it does not fit the halo experience most people remember or love,
  19. Baykem

    Title Update

    #1 Battle Rifle returns, #2 Bloom ON/OFF toggle for custom games and etc, #3 The return of ranked playlists, id rather have this than a overall BPR, #4 Fix to the Oversheild so we can see who has it besides in classic slayer, #5 Individual Weapon damage modification (being albe to change the damage of all the weapon individualy) and #5 The ability to toggle on real time physics or Hitscan (also should be able to do individualy) -my wishlist I want to see big changes because reach definatlry needs it, not small changes like the betrayl system and stuff, even though those things would be nice also
  20. They should use a clan system like Killzone 2, if anyone here know what its like then you know its pretty intense and it runs smooth
  21. Baykem

    care package?

    No god dammit, whats with you kids and you wanting this to be like call of duty, GO PLAY CALL OF DUTY!...
  22. Well idk how the hell that would even work in the first place, oh wait, how about a list that refreshes on all the custom games that can be joined, like how on older pc and consloe games like unreal tournament 3, you would select what kind of gametype you wanted to play and then a list of servers (Hosts) would pop up. except with there gamertag and name of the map and name of the game variant, and amount of players. but you should get no xp, and of course they would have to make more tweaks to this but i think they would get the point.
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