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Everything posted by Baykem

  1. No thats dumb, even if cheif does die it cant happen ubtil the last halo, Halo 6
  2. Um im not even sure if thats a planet hes heading to, looks more like some structure
  3. MAKING YOUR OWN ENBLEM, i dont care if it was in cod its a great thing for any game to have, dosent touch the multiplayer at all, but gives the player a better way to express their self
  4. Baykem


    i guess this might be cool in BTB or something, falling out of the back of a pelican, but thats all
  5. i could the thing with the vehicle control, but not random weather, at least hint to it, i hate refer to call of duty but if there going to do something like that then map should be in a place where you would expect rain, like the old CoD map downpour, its got a dark/cloudy sky, or like a jungle or something.
  6. the weapons and health part of what your saying imo is stupid
  7. Baykem

    H A L O 4

    I dare ask if this is the real snipedown, Eric Wrona? i also cant stand reach, cant play it for more than 30 mins at a time, im not MLG 50 quality(yet), i never had a team in h3 the highest i got was pretty much all by myself to a 36 because of dereanking and none sense, then i got red ring, came back amonth later and was terrible had to work my way back up there, just kept having bad teammates and etc so ive been running customs ever since, hmu sometime for customs, the GT is Baykem
  8. once again, (No, thats not going to happen, im not trying to bash anyone but whats up with all these crazy ideas, its like your all turning in too children and your at the candy store running saying "i want that and that and this too" you cant get everything, and alot of that stuff is bad anyway)
  9. I completely agree with you
  10. Please no, as i posted earlier,( No, thats not going to happen, im not trying to bash anyone but whats up with all these crazy ideas, its like your all turning in too children and your at the candy store running around saying "i want that and that and this too" you cant get everything, and alot of that stuff is bad anyway)
  11. Baykem

    Halo 4 My Ideas

    No, thats not going to happen, im not trying to bash anyone but whats up with all these crazy ideas, its like your all turning in too children and your at the candy store running saying "i want that and that and this too" you cant get everything, and alot of that stuff is bad anyway
  12. Halo 2 made halo BLOW UP! it permantly put halo on the map, and once again redefined the fps genre
  13. Halo 2 was the king fps of its time, man i wish i could go back to those days and get xbox live( i didnt have it until my 360) oh wait!, They could re relase it as an XBLA title! couldnt they?
  14. And idk if you heard of this but, im pretty sure bloom came with or embedded into the reach engine, thats why halo 4 is running off a different engine, why else would they sacrifice graphics for a new engine
  15. Baykem

    Halo 4 My Ideas

    I like alot of this stuff in here about campaign and customs games, but that Multiplyaer stuff your saying is trash except for the tournaments thing, btw they need to bring back the h2 clan system, or better yet, take a look at killzone 2 clan system, absoulutly great, i loved everything about it,
  16. Baykem

    Halo 4 My Ideas

    Your stupid for wanting the reach system in any way for matcmaking, thats why i dont really play reach in the 1st place, no solid competiton
  17. Baykem


    i <3 my Battle Rifle
  18. Hopefully all the trolls from MLG and other sites wont come though, even though im in the MLG scene i cant stand their forums
  19. Ever played Halo Wars? I for one didn't think an RTS can even be played on a console (I still believe that) but it wasn't that bad.. Reach is ok but it doesn't have that "Halo Style" anymore, we have health and we take fall damage, it really doesn't feel like any of the other Halo games but that doesn't have it an "embarrassment". Agree with Bob, Halo has to move on, it can't be stuck on the same. If it does, why would we by the new game? It?s the same but with better graphics. For Halo to succeed, 343i needs to show they are better then all the rest, check these posts: http://www.343industries.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=351 http://www.343industries.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=254&start=10 People, who can't buy all games, or want to choose a game to play, should choose Halo for the fact that it has more variety. IF the ideas in the links are to be given life, multiplayer should be smth like this: when you can choose between competitive and cooperative and community and etc, if you choose competitive you should have this options: Classic Halo ODST (Still thinking on the best words) Classic Halo: No ADS, no AA, the normal maps, 8 players top. ODST: ODST=SWAT, but it should have more playlists (including sprint, ADS, see the links) like Team ODST, FFA ODST, it could even have team objectives ODST. (better than COD) (Still thinking on the best words): as the links said, bigger maps, new gametypes, etc. (better than Battlefield) Like this, people would choose Halo as they can change the gametype depending on theyr mood without much effort. Write comments, specially 343i, Rafter Ps: About br and DMR, 343i should left both, there is nothing wrong in having some weapons you don't use much. What the hell are you talking about the BR and the DMR are used just as much and mor than most weapons, once you realize that he BR/DMR is a much better weapon for a skilled player then it becomes essential to have in game
  20. The ability to group objects together, that way moving things and such dosent take so much time.
  21. Well i also love the BR, im just thinking of a way to compromise with the people who wat to have both, and i alsp think they should get rid of the AAs eexcept for sprint and evade, even though i can deal with jet id rather have it not in at all
  22. The BR, and the DMR,some of us like one, some of us dont, but i have a soulution, instead of trying to get 343 put a BR and a DMR in their halo games, why not this, take the BR, give it a different look, not too much, but enough to where it still looks familiar, say its a newer model or something, then, give it 2 firing modes, one with the traditional BR firing mode, 3 shots in a burst, 4 burst to the head equals a kill, and in the second firing mode, you get single shot like the DMR, except just a bit more accurate but with a tad more bloom, so spamming REALLY dosent work and hitting that far away shot, takes pacing your shots and skill(or you just cant shoot it again until the bloom fully resets), that way your BR is the best for close to medium range, and the DMR is there for those long shots when you have no sniper rifle!
  23. Baykem

    Halo 4

    I think 343 reads your posts bud!, i love it when developers ACTULLY listen to their fans and community!
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