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Jackal (2/19)



  1. similar situation here, though it didn't try to make a new account. I would have taken that as a warning but I hit redeem and now my code is activated on what was a temporary Xbox silver account before I even had linked my Xbox to the Internet. something to do with authentication but i guess I'm screwed.
  2. many others are having the same issue! http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/20174-priority-specialization-problem/#entry196724
  3. yeah so far Microsoft support won't do anything and the mods on the halowaypoint forums haven't said much either, I've sent @halowaypoint a couple o tweets detailing this.
  4. I'm in Canada you should be getting one, check all of your old email accounts you forgot about. it seems to do that.
  5. I understand that buying the LE version gave early access, but the whole sending limited codes for each XBL tag is pretty low. this should have been implemented in an update that gives everyone permissions not segregating players by slowly giving more people early access, especially to a feature that they plan on letting everyone have. LE users got it the early-early specs I guess. then again I'm just butthurt about my code getting tangled up and FUBAR'd just like the system they used to implement it.
  6. I have the same problem. my code was sent to the email address that I don't use for my XBLA, I guess it is linked to a long forgotten account that I never even had live gold on! I assumed since I've only played the game on my gold account that it would redeem to my real account. now my code is redeemed and in limbo on a live silver account that has never touched the Internet. if I knew this would have happened I would have type the code manually on my Xbox and not hit the blasted redeem button on my PC. will I never have these specializations because of this hiccup!?
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