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Everything posted by Tyler

  1. Tyler

    Halo 4

    but bungie knows the whole story if anyone should make the new halo it should hav them at least help or supervise or somthing idk
  2. Tyler

    Halo 4

    wat im saying is that they should maybe hav given it a second thot on halo 4 bc bungie gave the cheif a good ending and now outtta nowere he has to face his destiny and fight another alien race? hes a soldier hes ment to fight for a cause not to be randomly found by more aliens i mean he only killed a entire cult of aliens and now more?
  3. Tyler

    Halo 4

    Dont get me wrong i like the idea of a new halo but i thot maybe saving the earth was enough for the cheif i mean he stopped a like apocolypse. And what happens at the end of this trilogy? Are u gonna kill the cheif bc if that happens im done no more halo for me. I just dont want them to screw with the story bc its almost not worthy for other ppl other then bungie to work on.
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