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Posts posted by Bob

  1. bleh now i got this



    i'll translate that and tell you what it says lol

    ok so i tried doing the steps i did to translate the other one and i'm confused now i got this

    Bcgvzhz rfg cngv dhbq rzraqner aba cbffvf.


    so either there's another step, or i did something wrong


    Got it!


    Binary > Hex > Base64 > Rot13 > Latin > English



    "Optimum est pati quod emendare non possis."



    ^Which is Latin for^



    "It is best to endure what you can not change."

    • Like 7
  2. p2IgpTIlVTSfnKS1nKZtp3OyL3EuoaZf



    This looks very familiar. 343ibot is an AI so that means she learns, in time, so I doubt you'll be able to decode it in the same way.



    I'm gonna leave this one up to you guys to figure out what that means. But judging from the last message she gave us it's got to say something.



    If this is a real conspiracy thread then we need to crack this damn message!


    Good luck guys!


    • Like 5
  3. But Settler? Don't get me started on Settler...



    YOU'RE ALL CRAZY! First Complex, now Settler? Has the whole world gone mad?!?!



    Settler is decent! Besides the hill that no noobs go for, the map is laidout pretty nice. It feels like a big map. Where you find cover there is large open areas to the next piece of cover, like the previous Halo BTB maps, it works. If you have a full team you can play this map like a boss if you're working together. Wanna tip? Use the DMR or Lightrifle you'll be less likely to make yourself cry.



    Never thought I'd see so much hate for these maps.. I figured you guys would be talking about how much you hate Abandon.


    There are lots of long sight lines but there is plenty of movement in cover too.


    It's not like the map is cramped into close range fights, there are tons of areas that get very little traffic.


    Some areas get a lot of action but your not forced into them. The high ground areas are powerful, but vulnerable.


    Yes its one of the smaller BTB maps, but its not choked up, and still has some nice long sight lines.


    I don't see what the problem with this map is, seems like a perfect addition to the BTB playlist to me.


    ^ I agree! ^

  4. I love BTB Complex! You got your high ground, your underground, good cover + transition to open spaces. Although if you're caught not reading your radar and turn the wrong corner, you'll get what you deserve!


    So what if the opposing team has locked down the high ground and is picking you off. You still have all the cover that map offers all the close quarters should give you enough faith to find a way. And in my experience both bases can be overruned easily and feel like the spawns points are unbalanced, but that goes for both sides.


    Good weapon placement

    Intricate layout


    I have always felt like this map is one of the better ones. Stating you hate it without listing a reason makes me want to question your opinion. But I don't really care for this map when it comes time to play objective I feel this is a Slayer only kinda map.

  5. yes i had to guess why there is not elites unsc falcon or hornet etc was because 343i needed more time on the game but Microsoft pushed it out anyway :thumbsup:


    But it's not what Halo 4 doesn't have, it's the elements already in-place that people seem to dislike. I agree with IncognitoZHS on just about everything.


    Halo is just not the same competitively, which for me is the reason why I bought it. The signs are evident, population, MLG dropping halo within the first two months of it's release. Personally what annoys me the most is all these new weapons and features they try to shove down our throat like the railgun and sticky detonator being on every map on every playlist. New things wouldn't bother me so much if it was made to balance. The railgun is a ridiculous weapon, NO TRAIL, quicker charge than it's counterparts. All the other power weapons like it in the previous Halos have a sorta "fair play" to them, like the laser having a trail to give away your position similar to the smokeline of the sniper or rockets.


    There are just so many things that annoy me in Halo 4! I'll save you wall of text that is my grief.

  6. This means that it can't be applied to the Xbox without some serious haxing.


    "Haxing" No, far from it. There are several ways to do this, the most common being to bridge your connections through your PC (if you have two Ethernet ports) meaning internet comes in one port of your PC and the internet to your Xbox comes out another. If you're unaware on how to bridge connections with your computer, it's a fairly simple google.


    And if you don't have two Ethernet ports but you have an open PCI slot then buy an extra port, It's so easy to install I(a caveman) could do it.


    The only down side to being bridged is that if your computer is not on you don't get internet to your Xbox.


    But if those cheaters manage to take down your proxy then you'll still end up being booted out of the game and lose internet momentarily. But your true IP wouldn't be touch, so you could just take the proxy off and get right back online. Although they are alot less likely to take down a proxy's connection than yours.


    It's a sad world we live in, everything is susceptible to a DDOS attack.  :hope:

  7. Awesome! And everything that they have cleared up and changed makes me want this thing. People can't complain about the Kinect anymore, like I did... I'ma put mine in my closet! That or bury it. paranoia


    Microsoft really turned it around.



    I when I first saw this video I couldn't help but think "who the hell made them unbox this with that stupid light table thing" wtf!


    MajorN's fingers look weird and we can't see the bottom of the Xbox One right/normally and its shining right in the camera!


    Microsoft needs to fire some people.. Somewhere, too many mistakes recently! <end_rant>

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