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Everything posted by Dominator

  1. haha i thought about that idea and i thought that it would be cooler if the canon got twisted and some frrunners survived and whats left of the covenant comes back and its all three. UNSC,Covy,and forrunner trying to stop the ONE percursor from creating an army of flood that can wipe out the galaxy. haha one thought
  2. well then they started in the end of 2007...like i said, do you forget its a FACT that bungie worked on halo 4 for a entire year? haha bro its almost 5 and could be six for all we know, i looked up what you said and there has been no report on ANYTHING from frank saying such a thing so if you would provide a link, otherwise i will assume your lieing due to the fact i could not find it and Joystick news did not know this either
  3. hey buddy, your caps lock is broken....also you go back 9 years ago and tell me what game you played that was "realistic". oh you cant can you. Im sorry Im all for anti CoD but Shut your mouth when it comes to the old CoD games. you DONT know what your talking about and IF your a 13 year old you need to get it together, we are halo fans not CoD fans. dont be a foolish ***** who is so blind with rage against the new CoD games that you target actual good games. just Troll somwhere else
  4. bro, that was a beast Reply! haha and I love that your speaking your opinion!
  5. haha yeah I just figured that if they were to do a love plot like halo 123 PSAT says, it would need Kelly haha
  6. how long halo 4 been around? 6 years. you wanna challenge that? give me some facts mate
  7. sounds great! but there are small problems with the theroy, one there is only one percursor left. and second they would have to twist the canon for the forrunners to live. but I still wanna see the other S-2's haha. but i really do love that idea, and its well thought out for a 5 minute reply haha
  8. could be interesting if they pulled it off right, they would need kelly(other S-2)
  9. yeah sure put it back on the 13th anniversary. this year is 10th, 10 years after halo 1, the 13th would be 10 years after halo 2. only makes sense!
  10. wrong, PC gamplay had online. there was no live for xbox but PC gamplay is probly what the kid ment, you dont need to treat everyone as inferior to you. commom sense says halo 1 had online for the PC if you did not know that thats sad
  11. How long do you think it has been around?
  12. well its all opinion. but its also understandable if you were not around as long as me for halo. but I will have to tell you AA's probly wont make a return. there is new info from frank o'Conner. when asked at comic con about AA's in halo 4 and in reach he said that he could not talk about halo 4 but he personaly does not like AA's and that there is a title update coming the end of next month that will change halo reach in a large way!!! sorry.(bout both cuz frank owns the whole halo franchise)
  13. haha if your gunna sound smart then you have to give the facts, thats why my posts have so many people in them, i put time into them instead of rushing ! haha
  14. .....you do relize that halo Reach only holds daily max of 160 thousand players....are you retarded? no offense but learn to read before you act foolish, halo reach has no community there are not millions anymore, everyone is gone. reach as a stand alone game is good, as a halo game, its the WORST
  15. And again, I dont disrespect you for the fact of what you do for a living, and the fact your a halo fan. but i personaly dont care if you think the comment was ok or not, because the thing is, you say a "handfull" does not like what i said take out, when its the opposite, its about 100K players (hand full) who like reach for its ideas, and the other 60K deal with it(people like me) and 30K got up and went back to halo 3(people who wont deal with it) and then there are the other 2.3 million other players who played the Reach beta and said this "wow this game sucks". now givin this those people all bought the game because like i said there has been over 10 million sales in less than a year, but let me ask you this, if theres that many sales, why is there only a max of 160K people playing? obviously the majority of the halo community has got up and left, they have been obliterated by what bungie did in halo reach and they moved on to other games like GoW or CoD or BF or Crysis 2. so that "handfull" is MUCH larger than a "handfull" its probly at least 85% of our community, and i dont think 343i cares about the 15% of the 9-14 year old kids who like reach versus the 85% of us people who range from 15-30. we are the real fans, the old fans. we are the vets who have been with halo since its birth. CoD can be the lil kids game, and if the lil kids want to take a swing at our game go ahead, but we the vets get to speak for the community not a bunch of 12 year old kids screaming that armor lock should have a longer duration, and that having shields is stupid, and that halo should have stronger wepons for the weaker players(noob tubes and other over powered stuff). sorry but I say fans like me and you need to be the voice of the community, not the thousands of children coming into the halo franchise. everyone has a right to there own opinion. and i respect yours, but im following what bungie told me to do, bungies last true meaningfull words to us the fans were" halo is yours now, its in your hands. halo is no longer ours to care for, it is now your franchise. it is our last gift to you from us, and we know you will do right by it!" that was one of there last weekly updates. and I plan to speak my opinion to help 343i and I want other fans to help me. your welcome to not and welcome to do. there is nobody trying to force you sir. thank you for reading this comment(i know its long XD) have a nice day
  16. DaAa HerRRrO? LiKkASSoOoOoOmmBoOoO DE! lol please agin I will say, agree or disagree with me, im iching to hear other halo fans opinion on this!
  17. Halo 4 has been in dev for awhile now in my opinion. give me your opinion on the matter!
  18. no offense mate, but If you think we should not speak our opinion, our game will turn into cod, i know your fighting in the middle east so please relize I show the up most respect when i say, you dont know WTF your talking about! without us, halo will die, you want that to happen fine. I dont and neither do the rest of the fan base, we are all halo has left that is familier, its creators are gone but not its fans. it is counting on us to help the new developers to make halo as great as bungie did. sorry but its true and again no direspect to a USA soldier, its just we are talking about halo, and its needs. so i do appreciate the work 343i does, but they need gudiance from the people who are buying this game, since halo reach got messed up and now only has 160K max a day of players. sorry but bungie said themselves, there last update told ALL of us to take care of halo, make sure 343i knows what we want because it is our franchise now, along with 343i's franchise. so your wrong(and no offense I have been playing halo since I was six and I take offense to someone telling me I complain about halo, when I am one of the biggest fans of halo and im willing to bet a bigger fan than you, so please do not start saying things on the internet when its wrong) and once again I do thank you for serving our country.
  19. theres a small p[ossiblity that they are changing the canon to make the forrunners possible as enemies. so we could be seeing that. theres also rumors they are making rebels and rogue unsc enemies!
  20. thank you for agreeing! woot woot for me, hit me up on XBL names my user dominator1007 is my GT and user for here
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