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Everything posted by Dominator

  1. Bro you need to ******* shut up. Read your posts dude, your acting like a ******* 9 year old, get over yourself. Im your friend when I say MOVE THE **** ON. jesus these people on here are all like wtf is wrong with the H4TW kid? I dont know but hes raging for no reason? lol i know right? These comments are annoying! so stfu and stop being sooooo angry for nooooo reason! ALRIGHT?!? thank you and good day!
  2. sounds sweet, also the best recording stuff is a HD TV with a HD PVR to record lol
  3. cool, thanks man, please let your friends know about us!
  4. correction I downgraded it for AA's. clean out the ears mate! (and it was 2.5 )
  5. Hello most of you know me by now, well now im trying to create a studios to bring amazing content to the gaming community and especially Halo. this is the link to our Channel, please subscribe to us because we will continue to work hard to bring out content! thank you all and here is the link http://www.youtube.com/user/Its4Halo?feature=mhee If that dcoes not work, because i dont know if links work in threads, here is our channel name Its4Halo Thank you and please sub!
  6. can you record good, Solid quality. I say this because one, you didnt say if that can capture, and two because if I am going to use you as an editor and you help me, I want you to have good as mine quality if not better. you also will need a movie editor software to make your videos look as good as mine, there are intros and different things that will have to be made or sent via email somehow
  7. I need a guy to record and upload trailers when released on xbl marketplace, som1 to do walkthroughs, and a good editor to MABY do montages. but i will be useing all halo titles. walkthroughs for games like halo 1, or rage, or big ones like skyrim. i need capture card people who have xbl gold, and have a mic.
  8. I am looking into getting into creating videos and starting up a studio. our name is "AstronomicalStudios" if you want the FULL thing with all info, hit me up on XBL, dominator1007
  9. "This is Spartan-117, can anyone hear me? Over." - John-117(Master Chief) (Halo 2, ending scene) "Isolate that signal, Master Chief you mind telling me what your doing on that ship?" - Lord Hood (Halo 2, ending scene) "Sir, finishing this fight." - John-117(Master Chief) (Halo 2, ending scene)
  10. Bored as hell, HBU?

  11. not what happened to halo 1,2,3. halo one was made in 5 years, halo 2 started in 2000 and halo 3 was in 2003. thats alot of time, now considering halo 4 has been around since 06, its highly probable there "perfecting" it still but the majority of the team is probly making halo 5 by now and it will be realesed in 2015 with the "xbox 720" should prove to be a great decade
  12. true, but its always good to have ALOT of time
  13. like i said the MMO is a side game idea i want it to be stand alone and be not about story but the pure fun of a halo game
  14. Simple you "halo fans" have never read the books. read them before you can argue
  15. well bungie obviously does not know whats going on. look at it, when halo was under both the rule of MGS and Bungie it was legendary and had thousands and millions online always, if you go online now, halo is scum of the xbl, everyone hates on reach for a reason, i am a huge fan myself and I have never hated a halo game. but reach....i cant stand reach because not of the changes to the franchise being bad, change is fine with me. its thee changes they made were NOT good. if halo 4 resets and does H3, and then adds brand new ideas, id be fine but reach sucks, its replay value is less than 80% of what halo 3 was
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