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Everything posted by Dominator

  1. yeah but theres no button for "Boost this 12 year olds skill up so he does not play like a BK and actualy plays the game right" A.K.A the "B.T.1.2.Y.O.S.U.H.D.N.P.L.B.K.A.P.T.G.R" button....yeah if it existed i welcome lil kids mate
  2. not how it used to work, and im an outraged gamer that those kids mothers are ******* fetarded to let there kids play
  3. Idc if you disagree with me, GTFO if you do. Kids should not be aloud to play, at least make it 13 and up, i deal with listening to kids CONSTANTLY on all forms of entertainment these days, giving there opinions where its not needed, and sqweeking over the mic about how they love AA's or think halo is gay, or worst. they think CoD is good! haha what a joke! anyway i hope 343 looks at this because they are MS, so please make them prove they are aboce 13, THANK YOU IF YOU DO THIS IT WOULD HELP.(make it for MP only, idc about raging kids in customs you can kick them, but in MP they ruin the game. thx)
  4. I restate the simple fact, Im pretty sure this is a 343I forum site not CoD, if you would like to speak about that game, please visit a cod forum. that or simple, dont speak of the game! lol simple peeps simple

  5. I dont get why people hate on HW and ODST there uniqe and fun as hell. get over yourselves
  6. actualy no its not. frank O'conner made a statment saying he hates armor lock and agree with the comunity on AA's. so dont be looking forward to it. as for strategic, try noobish. your useing the wrong word think power ups mate unless you want CoD to always beat us in players online, then A's need to GTFO
  7. see thats were your wrong, halo is effected by lag way to much. they need to make them for halo otherwise halo is ******. mlg hates the online for halo, and the hardcore fans feel the same
  8. thank you for agreeing with me, and thank you all for posting
  9. wanna test it? send me a mesg like it says. dont mock mate, prove me wrong of accept the cold truth
  10. lol ummm that was probly the best campagin gamplay in a long time, H3 was laking my friend. and reach is the worst
  11. lol what was that first comment mate? are you not feeling dumb
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