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Everything posted by Dominator

  1. I hope to GOD there is one
  2. i agree man, these forums are more fun. welcome
  3. hello ma'am. hows it going? enjoy your stay here at halo nerdom!
  4. what up bro, welcome to the site, theres drama somtimes so be ready! haha
  5. I have actually heard people say Halo 4 will be terriable, im really curious what you guys think. REPLY BELOW! Thank you for reading and voting
  6. yeah i hade a buddy not able to get his ODST helmet achevment. but it was still a great game
  7. thank you for your opinion. i personally find it to be the most fun RTS. i know it lacks in the sense of largeness. but the sheer fun is what has me! haha
  8. nonononono. its remastered... REMASTERED!!! not remake damit. its not supposed to have 4 player thats STUPID. hell NO. and as for assassinations.....are you like 12 years old? do you even get what halo is about? hell to the NO thats reach not halo. no way do i want to see halo 1 MC go into third person and pull out a knife he didnt have 10 years ago. **** that
  9. ! haha Whatsup guys, I never properly introduced myself. So I would like to say WHATUP! to all ma homies! I <3 the trolls on here to! haha
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