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Everything posted by MontanaEE

  1. I cannot seem to figure out Slayer setup. So I'd have to say I do not like allot of the "default settings" that were changed in multiplayer. Just some background on me. I have played every Halo since the XBOX came out, I've enjoyed the campaigns, and slayer with friends, but I cannot get this setup correctly I guess. I play this mostly on our home network with my kids, and thrrough private network with friends, but my teens seem to really hate this version. They saved up for months and now want to take the game back. Honestly, I think it has to do with our inability to change the setup, so I thought someone on this forum could maybe help. We've reverted back to Halo 3 until I get this figured out, so I'll list a few questions. 1. Starting Slayer, how do we change the custom loadouts. No matter what we tried, we could not get anymore than two loadout options. AR or BR, that was it. 2. How do you get weapons placed on the maps when you start, right now, weapons appear on a timed basis, and only one at a time. 3. There's an annoying on screen marker that tells everyone when a new weapon is available that it is there and where it is. How do we turn off those markers? 4. It seems as though if a person finds a great weapon, and begins to win, they constantly get loadout options for better weapons. (My kids really despise this one) How do we disable that? Don't get me wrong, I love to win, but even I see that as kinda biased. So that's a few of them, hopefully someone can help us.
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